Everyone had a really nice holiday!
The only bit of total stupidity was my cousin having her puking child at Christmas Eve, then not leaving once the child puked. My stomach has been a bit uneasy since yesterday which makes me think I have a bit of whatever virus that was. Just ick.
The boys got tons of stuff, and by gosh by golly I actually felt some amount of Christmas spirit!
I also started project 365, not sure if I'm following all the rules but I'm going to attempt a picture a day for a year. We'll see if I give up or not, lol.
Tomorrow night J and I are going to see our friend's band play, then the 28th is T's birthday, followed by NY, then his party on the 4th, then I start school on the 10th, yikes!
The baby has low iron, we're not sure why and it's making me a bit nervous, hopefully when we go to the dr. we'll find that it's better since they'll do a blood test not with a finger prick.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
S is for STRESS!
I am feeling it big time today, it's probably pms but yeah I just feel overwhelmed and pissy right now.
I swear I didn't clean one day, just ONE day and it looks like a tornado blew through here.
Unfinished projects that need to be finished before January? Too fucking many.
Christmas, yeah I don't even want to think about it and it's happening in not many weeks. Presents that aren't wrapped that need wrapping? 12. Cards that need making out? Too many to think about.
On the heels of Christmas is Trent's birthday, cleaning this house and setting up everything in the basement for a lot of people, doG help me.
On December 1st I turned 27. I bought Olay Regenerist moisturizer and crocs this week. I am old. And I feel it every single morning when I wake up, I'm hoping it's that we need a new mattress and that I'm not going to be crippled by arthritis in a few years or something.
Oh yes and my 7 year old thinks Santa is bringing him the lego death star. $400 for a lego set?!?!?! I told him Santa doesn't bring age inappropriate toys (it's 12 and up). Santa is bringing him a skateboard, some posters, some crayons and a pokemon card set.
Well this turned into an interesting head dump, I think I'm going to participate in the 365 photo thing, just not sure the start date, probably after Christmas.
I swear I didn't clean one day, just ONE day and it looks like a tornado blew through here.
Unfinished projects that need to be finished before January? Too fucking many.
Christmas, yeah I don't even want to think about it and it's happening in not many weeks. Presents that aren't wrapped that need wrapping? 12. Cards that need making out? Too many to think about.
On the heels of Christmas is Trent's birthday, cleaning this house and setting up everything in the basement for a lot of people, doG help me.
On December 1st I turned 27. I bought Olay Regenerist moisturizer and crocs this week. I am old. And I feel it every single morning when I wake up, I'm hoping it's that we need a new mattress and that I'm not going to be crippled by arthritis in a few years or something.
Oh yes and my 7 year old thinks Santa is bringing him the lego death star. $400 for a lego set?!?!?! I told him Santa doesn't bring age inappropriate toys (it's 12 and up). Santa is bringing him a skateboard, some posters, some crayons and a pokemon card set.
Well this turned into an interesting head dump, I think I'm going to participate in the 365 photo thing, just not sure the start date, probably after Christmas.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Little dude is 10 months today.
That means we're only 2 months away from a year *cry*.
~He's got two teeth and is getting two more (top, he has bottom center)
~At his last dr.s appt he weighed 19lbs which is what Xander weighed at 15 months, but he's still in the 25th percentile, X was in the -5th.
~He's clapping his hands, waving his arms around.
~He's added mama, nana and HEY! (when you take something away) to his vocabulary which was dada and vava (the only word that has meaning he calls the cat that).
~He's cruising furniture like a mad man and starting to let go and stand on his own.
~We are still cloth diapering, we are still nursing.
~other than nursing he also eats everything in sight.
~he's becoming less fearful of strangers, but still didn't do great when my friend watched him Saturday so we could attend a hillbilly hodown wedding.
And that's about all. I'd really like him to stop growing now.
~He's got two teeth and is getting two more (top, he has bottom center)
~At his last dr.s appt he weighed 19lbs which is what Xander weighed at 15 months, but he's still in the 25th percentile, X was in the -5th.
~He's clapping his hands, waving his arms around.
~He's added mama, nana and HEY! (when you take something away) to his vocabulary which was dada and vava (the only word that has meaning he calls the cat that).
~He's cruising furniture like a mad man and starting to let go and stand on his own.
~We are still cloth diapering, we are still nursing.
~other than nursing he also eats everything in sight.
~he's becoming less fearful of strangers, but still didn't do great when my friend watched him Saturday so we could attend a hillbilly hodown wedding.
And that's about all. I'd really like him to stop growing now.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Why yes and it feels like one too. Started the day with the big kid losing his shoes, couldn't find them anywhere in the 2 minutes we had before we missed the bus. Of course he thought he was instantly going to have to move his clip so it resulted in a crying screaming meltdown. Meanwhile I had to dress the baby in so many layers of clothes to prevent freezing to death I simply didn't have it in me to make up a punishment for after school.
Then we haul butt to the dentist at 3:20, the dentist never has after 4 hours like when he actually gets home from school. But before we left the secretary gave me a nasty attitude about not writing a note. I did write a note in the kid's daily planner which his fucking teacher made a huge deal about at the beginning of the year and now they don't even do anything with any more I guess.
We go to 4 stores the baby is crabby everyone is hungry and so I come home slap together pbj, and some leftover pizza because lord knows I'm not cooking at 6 fucking 30. I go through his folder and the asshole fucking teacher sends home a reprimand over the sign up sheets for conferences. No where on there did it say put your child's name, it was coming out of his fucking folder I didn't think that was necessary. No apology, nada acted like it was all the parents fault. I really dislike him a lot. Cocky 25 yr old recent college graduate that tries to run the classroom like the military.
I swear to god this wasn't supposed to be a huge rant, I'm just cold miserable and crabby. I was going to set up my Halloween cack but it's raining, I don't feel like looking for the pumpkin carving kit either.
Then we haul butt to the dentist at 3:20, the dentist never has after 4 hours like when he actually gets home from school. But before we left the secretary gave me a nasty attitude about not writing a note. I did write a note in the kid's daily planner which his fucking teacher made a huge deal about at the beginning of the year and now they don't even do anything with any more I guess.
We go to 4 stores the baby is crabby everyone is hungry and so I come home slap together pbj, and some leftover pizza because lord knows I'm not cooking at 6 fucking 30. I go through his folder and the asshole fucking teacher sends home a reprimand over the sign up sheets for conferences. No where on there did it say put your child's name, it was coming out of his fucking folder I didn't think that was necessary. No apology, nada acted like it was all the parents fault. I really dislike him a lot. Cocky 25 yr old recent college graduate that tries to run the classroom like the military.
I swear to god this wasn't supposed to be a huge rant, I'm just cold miserable and crabby. I was going to set up my Halloween cack but it's raining, I don't feel like looking for the pumpkin carving kit either.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thoughts for the day.
~Standing in line for 45 minutes for a hayride is ridiculous
~The little girl who pointed to my son and said 'that guy is really cute' was somewhat cute and somewhat disturbing.
~My child is always the one to have a breakdown while waiting in line.
~The guy that let my 5yo cousin and Xander pick some apples off the tree was nice, as was the woman who gave my kiddo a juice box in the midst of his breakdown. Sometimes there are still nice people although it may not seem that way.
~When all was said and done they not only sold out of water, but also the candy apples that I wanted so badly. Waaahhh.
~The creepy guy at the bar last night that wouldn't fucking leave us alone needs to have his balls put through a meat grinder. Seriously dude, you're a freak.
Things that are at the back of my mind..
~I'm tired of financial aid screwing around with me
~I STILL need a location for Trent's birthday party
~I need some jeans, and a dress to wear to the stupid wedding I have to go to.
All in all the weekend was okay.
~The little girl who pointed to my son and said 'that guy is really cute' was somewhat cute and somewhat disturbing.
~My child is always the one to have a breakdown while waiting in line.
~The guy that let my 5yo cousin and Xander pick some apples off the tree was nice, as was the woman who gave my kiddo a juice box in the midst of his breakdown. Sometimes there are still nice people although it may not seem that way.
~When all was said and done they not only sold out of water, but also the candy apples that I wanted so badly. Waaahhh.
~The creepy guy at the bar last night that wouldn't fucking leave us alone needs to have his balls put through a meat grinder. Seriously dude, you're a freak.
Things that are at the back of my mind..
~I'm tired of financial aid screwing around with me
~I STILL need a location for Trent's birthday party
~I need some jeans, and a dress to wear to the stupid wedding I have to go to.
All in all the weekend was okay.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Cocktober.
We've all been fighting our second cold since school started at the end of August, seriously blech. I can't tell if T actually had a cold or if it had to do with his two bottom teeth coming through. He looks so incredibly cute with those choppers! <3
This weekend I want to really do some fall-ish Halloween-y stuff. Apple farm + buying pumpkins I think. I need to get into the mood.
I wound up retaking my English placement test for school since I bombed really badly the first time. I actually focused on the test rather than trying to finish quickly (a very bad bad habit of mine that needs to be broken), and my score this time qualified me for honors. Read books kiddies, because if not for all the reading I've done over the last uh 20 years of my life I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done nearly that well, I've been out of school almost 10 years.
Finally reason # 20098 I need to go back to school, I spent two hours reading a thread at the diaper website where two women were fighting over which crunchy diaper detergent was best. Yes my brain deserves better.
This weekend I want to really do some fall-ish Halloween-y stuff. Apple farm + buying pumpkins I think. I need to get into the mood.
I wound up retaking my English placement test for school since I bombed really badly the first time. I actually focused on the test rather than trying to finish quickly (a very bad bad habit of mine that needs to be broken), and my score this time qualified me for honors. Read books kiddies, because if not for all the reading I've done over the last uh 20 years of my life I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done nearly that well, I've been out of school almost 10 years.
Finally reason # 20098 I need to go back to school, I spent two hours reading a thread at the diaper website where two women were fighting over which crunchy diaper detergent was best. Yes my brain deserves better.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Really I should be updating this a whole lot more.
And I have no idea why I'm picking tonight to do this, I'm so effing tired I could puke.
#1 Trenty pants is 9 months today. 9 months people, where the hell has the time gone?? He's getting his first tooth, it just broke the surface, he's cruising furniture, giving kisses, waving and is either incredibly happy or incredibly pissed off.
#2 I applied for college. I haven't been inside of a school in nearly 10 years, I'm terrified and excited. I'm getting two grants, which makes it that much easier. Yes this makes me very happy. I pretty much bombed the math placement test, and only came close on the English (I'm retaking that Tuesday). Still trying to figure out exactly when I'm going, what I'm doing with Trent and some other issues in general but I've made important steps rather than just hemming and hawing about it. I NEED to do this, it's very important to me and my family, it will be well worth it.
#3 is there a number 3? I guess #3 is that my oldest kid is really smart, he's been helping other students read, and he got all As (one C, but that average will go up since he aced the science test) on his progress report. He got 106% in spelling, that's right, it's because he's spelled every word right including the bonus word. I'm so thrilled he's a good reader, I love to read, and it's important to me.
This has been one hell of a weekend in general. Saturday we went to my cousin's house for my a surprise 40th birthday party. Things like this are just not fun with an infant. Their house was a total infant death trap, and everyone was getting hammered and singing karaoke, woohoo, bleh. and my (childless) cousin made some sort of remark about how awful it is to have to go home early because a baby is cramping your style. Ayup. If I want to go out and have a few drinks it's not at a family party, it's at a bar with one of my friend's while the baby is home with daddy, getting drunk with kids around (fyi I don't get drunk even without kids around, I'm nursing) is not fun at all.
Then today it was my, I guess you would call her my step mother in law's surprise 40th birthday party. Another incredibly child unfriendly house, just short of squalor, and they have a big dog. I don't mean big like 50lbs I mean big like the size of a larger man big. Did I mention the dog is also mean? The dog bit three people while we were there, no bullshit, he drew blood on one woman. And my step MIL just kept opening presents while this poor woman ran into the house to clean the wound, WTF?? I'm more than a little disgusted with them. I have pets, I love my pets, but when people come over the dog goes into his crate. He's not even a bitey dog but I don't like him jumping all over people and barking, not everyone likes dogs, I'm completely cool with that. It's just plain ass ignorance.
Basically Trent is not a good traveler these days and going places (people's houses especially) is a nightmare. He'd rather be at home crawling around and pulling up on stuff in our (safe) house. So this weekend blew, and I'm so exhausted I could cry. I also started my period.
#1 Trenty pants is 9 months today. 9 months people, where the hell has the time gone?? He's getting his first tooth, it just broke the surface, he's cruising furniture, giving kisses, waving and is either incredibly happy or incredibly pissed off.
#2 I applied for college. I haven't been inside of a school in nearly 10 years, I'm terrified and excited. I'm getting two grants, which makes it that much easier. Yes this makes me very happy. I pretty much bombed the math placement test, and only came close on the English (I'm retaking that Tuesday). Still trying to figure out exactly when I'm going, what I'm doing with Trent and some other issues in general but I've made important steps rather than just hemming and hawing about it. I NEED to do this, it's very important to me and my family, it will be well worth it.
#3 is there a number 3? I guess #3 is that my oldest kid is really smart, he's been helping other students read, and he got all As (one C, but that average will go up since he aced the science test) on his progress report. He got 106% in spelling, that's right, it's because he's spelled every word right including the bonus word. I'm so thrilled he's a good reader, I love to read, and it's important to me.
This has been one hell of a weekend in general. Saturday we went to my cousin's house for my a surprise 40th birthday party. Things like this are just not fun with an infant. Their house was a total infant death trap, and everyone was getting hammered and singing karaoke, woohoo, bleh. and my (childless) cousin made some sort of remark about how awful it is to have to go home early because a baby is cramping your style. Ayup. If I want to go out and have a few drinks it's not at a family party, it's at a bar with one of my friend's while the baby is home with daddy, getting drunk with kids around (fyi I don't get drunk even without kids around, I'm nursing) is not fun at all.
Then today it was my, I guess you would call her my step mother in law's surprise 40th birthday party. Another incredibly child unfriendly house, just short of squalor, and they have a big dog. I don't mean big like 50lbs I mean big like the size of a larger man big. Did I mention the dog is also mean? The dog bit three people while we were there, no bullshit, he drew blood on one woman. And my step MIL just kept opening presents while this poor woman ran into the house to clean the wound, WTF?? I'm more than a little disgusted with them. I have pets, I love my pets, but when people come over the dog goes into his crate. He's not even a bitey dog but I don't like him jumping all over people and barking, not everyone likes dogs, I'm completely cool with that. It's just plain ass ignorance.
Basically Trent is not a good traveler these days and going places (people's houses especially) is a nightmare. He'd rather be at home crawling around and pulling up on stuff in our (safe) house. So this weekend blew, and I'm so exhausted I could cry. I also started my period.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
2nd Grade Girls.
Well one in particular is irritating my kid. The classroom has a comment box (Jeff asked me what is that like myspace messaging classroom style? HA!) where I guess the kids can air their grievances about other kids.
Xander got this one (I will write down exactly what it says and then translate):
you are evrie bidis freind but nut min plies be my frenid.
Xander you are everybody's friend but not mine please be my friend.
So I asked him if he was being a jerk to this poor girl, but apparently he isn't he just doesn't want to hold hands and hug like she does. This is of course the same kid who's mother without any social grace glared at me when she said 'oh no Xander's in my class again!'.
I swear they grow up too fast with the boyfriend/girlfriend crap. Xander is uninterested, he likes pokemon and video games not girls. For this I am eternally grateful.
Xander got this one (I will write down exactly what it says and then translate):
you are evrie bidis freind but nut min plies be my frenid.
Xander you are everybody's friend but not mine please be my friend.
So I asked him if he was being a jerk to this poor girl, but apparently he isn't he just doesn't want to hold hands and hug like she does. This is of course the same kid who's mother without any social grace glared at me when she said 'oh no Xander's in my class again!'.
I swear they grow up too fast with the boyfriend/girlfriend crap. Xander is uninterested, he likes pokemon and video games not girls. For this I am eternally grateful.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I now remember the bad thing about back to school. No sleep, no sleep at all.
The baby's new schedule is getting up at 6 something in the am, and pulling my face off until I get up. That just sucks on weekends, let me tell you.
He's also decided that after a good month of crawling around he's done being independent and apparently wants back into the womb. Either he's teething or getting sick, both are a real possibility since Xander has already brought his first school illness home to share.
Holiday weekend was alright, I wasn't really able to go some of the places X and Jeff went because of Trent. The baseball game would have been sucky (nosebleed seats baby that's wiggly yeah) and the airshow is really really REALLY loud and no good for little babies. I went shopping instead.
I think we're in our last blast of summer now, we had cool weather and now this week it's going to be rather warm.
Well I have diapers to wash and dishes to do and baby to feed, whoever said being a grownup was good lied I say they LIED!
The baby's new schedule is getting up at 6 something in the am, and pulling my face off until I get up. That just sucks on weekends, let me tell you.
He's also decided that after a good month of crawling around he's done being independent and apparently wants back into the womb. Either he's teething or getting sick, both are a real possibility since Xander has already brought his first school illness home to share.
Holiday weekend was alright, I wasn't really able to go some of the places X and Jeff went because of Trent. The baseball game would have been sucky (nosebleed seats baby that's wiggly yeah) and the airshow is really really REALLY loud and no good for little babies. I went shopping instead.
I think we're in our last blast of summer now, we had cool weather and now this week it's going to be rather warm.
Well I have diapers to wash and dishes to do and baby to feed, whoever said being a grownup was good lied I say they LIED!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Summer is coming to a close.
Hard to believe. Next week at this time big boy will be a 2nd grader, and the house will be quiet. Finally finally he learned how to ride two wheels on his bike. He is the absolute world's most stubborn kid, he doesn't do anything until he's darn well good and ready to do it. Potty training was a good example of this. His 7th birthday party is Sunday, he picked out black plates and napkins and a cake with a skull on it. Yes he is definitely my child. I should actually be cleaning for said party right now instead of jacking off on the internets. As you can see the party will not be held at pukecheese, thank you mother in law. Long story, don't feel like getting into it and I'm sure it just makes me look like a doormat.
Little boy is army crawling all over the house, eating finger foods, and is basically a joy to be around. We battled thrush for about a month, it was a nightmare, but we are still nursing and will continue to nurse until 18 months minimum.
Since he's been scooting all over the place I've had to up my childproofing. It's a running joke here that anything that looks dangerous Trent is sure to find. Elecrtical cords? Lemme at them. Oooh those scissors look tasty! Let me have a taste of your honey bunches of oats even though I can't have honey and I have no teeth. Yep.

Little boy is army crawling all over the house, eating finger foods, and is basically a joy to be around. We battled thrush for about a month, it was a nightmare, but we are still nursing and will continue to nurse until 18 months minimum.
Since he's been scooting all over the place I've had to up my childproofing. It's a running joke here that anything that looks dangerous Trent is sure to find. Elecrtical cords? Lemme at them. Oooh those scissors look tasty! Let me have a taste of your honey bunches of oats even though I can't have honey and I have no teeth. Yep.

Friday, July 11, 2008
I seem to go from extreme business to extreme boredom. I used to enjoy being home now I just want out of the house every minute of the day, I'm bored right now. T.V. sucks, big kid is camping with my cousin, and little kid is sleeping (this is a good thing, it is almost midnight).
I made a cake the other day, and this is such a typical conversation between me and my husband:
him: what's that in the pan in the fridge
me: it's a cake
him: who did you make a cake for? Is it someone's birthday that I don't know about?
me: I just wanted a cake
him: you made a cake for yourself?
me: Yes it's my cake no one else can have any.
Am I the only person who's mom used to make cakes just because? I mean hey it's Wednesday why not have a cake? Sometimes it's nice to just do something just because. I'm probably lucky I don't weigh 400lbs because a lot of my something's involve food, like the huge cinnamon buns I made all winter, or the double rich chocolate ice cream I made in my ice cream maker. Yes I have an ice cream maker. And no I didn't make ice cream for anyone's birthday.
Speaking of birthday's big boy's 7th is coming up. That's right 7th, when did my first baby get to be 7?? Did I mention he's camping? He's three hours away from me. While he's spent plenty of overnights somewhere this is the furthest he's ever been, and he's not coming back until Sunday. We're holding this year's party at Puke E Cheese. I'm not thrilled but that's what he wants.
And of course we have pictures:

brotherly love

Trenty vs. the avocado, I think the avocado won.
I made a cake the other day, and this is such a typical conversation between me and my husband:
him: what's that in the pan in the fridge
me: it's a cake
him: who did you make a cake for? Is it someone's birthday that I don't know about?
me: I just wanted a cake
him: you made a cake for yourself?
me: Yes it's my cake no one else can have any.
Am I the only person who's mom used to make cakes just because? I mean hey it's Wednesday why not have a cake? Sometimes it's nice to just do something just because. I'm probably lucky I don't weigh 400lbs because a lot of my something's involve food, like the huge cinnamon buns I made all winter, or the double rich chocolate ice cream I made in my ice cream maker. Yes I have an ice cream maker. And no I didn't make ice cream for anyone's birthday.
Speaking of birthday's big boy's 7th is coming up. That's right 7th, when did my first baby get to be 7?? Did I mention he's camping? He's three hours away from me. While he's spent plenty of overnights somewhere this is the furthest he's ever been, and he's not coming back until Sunday. We're holding this year's party at Puke E Cheese. I'm not thrilled but that's what he wants.
And of course we have pictures:

brotherly love

Trenty vs. the avocado, I think the avocado won.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Long time no update.
Big kid was let out of school for summer vacation the 6th, and things have been really busy since then. He started underhand pitch baseball which he really seems to like, he hit every ball last game, goooo Xander!
Baby is getting big, close to sitting up independently, he can scoot crawl sort of. And of course he is loud, he is possibly the loudest baby I've ever met, he baby talks loud, he laughs loud and he cries and screams even louder.
The weather has been super funky, it's hot it's cool it's hot it's rainy, we had a storm that contained hail last week, yikes.
And apparently Pokemon is up next on cartoon network which according to Xander is reason to celebrate, ha!
Baby is getting big, close to sitting up independently, he can scoot crawl sort of. And of course he is loud, he is possibly the loudest baby I've ever met, he baby talks loud, he laughs loud and he cries and screams even louder.
The weather has been super funky, it's hot it's cool it's hot it's rainy, we had a storm that contained hail last week, yikes.
And apparently Pokemon is up next on cartoon network which according to Xander is reason to celebrate, ha!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Deliver Me.
So I've watched this show on discovery health this season. Usually I'm very meh on birth related shows, but for some reason I am addicted to this one. Maybe because it irritates me a little?
Almost every episode they're inducing someone way early because they think the baby might be big, almost every birth is a c-section, and the latest episode when a new mom was in there saying that she's not getting much sleep because the baby wants to nurse all the time and the dr. suggested supplementing because 'he's a big baby and needs more milk' I wanted to smack her. Yes supplementing is a great way to make your supply go down.
I understand there are instances where really there are supply issues but I've never heard that getting up in the middle of the night with the baby who wants to eat (the 6 week old baby at that) is a cause for concern about supply. Ugh misinformation.
I still don't care about how anyone feeds their kid, I don't feel it's any of my business (and some of my best friends are formula feeders *snort* but really I formula fed my first), I just hate when medical professionals give out shoddy info, I think people have the right to be informed 100% and correctly at that before making decisions.
As a major downer apparently I contracted cellulitis somehow, my arm just looks lovely. I hope the antibiotics don't get us thrush, heading to the healthfood store tomorrow to look for probiotics.
Almost every episode they're inducing someone way early because they think the baby might be big, almost every birth is a c-section, and the latest episode when a new mom was in there saying that she's not getting much sleep because the baby wants to nurse all the time and the dr. suggested supplementing because 'he's a big baby and needs more milk' I wanted to smack her. Yes supplementing is a great way to make your supply go down.
I understand there are instances where really there are supply issues but I've never heard that getting up in the middle of the night with the baby who wants to eat (the 6 week old baby at that) is a cause for concern about supply. Ugh misinformation.
I still don't care about how anyone feeds their kid, I don't feel it's any of my business (and some of my best friends are formula feeders *snort* but really I formula fed my first), I just hate when medical professionals give out shoddy info, I think people have the right to be informed 100% and correctly at that before making decisions.
As a major downer apparently I contracted cellulitis somehow, my arm just looks lovely. I hope the antibiotics don't get us thrush, heading to the healthfood store tomorrow to look for probiotics.
I had to delete my prior entry since apparently I was violating copyright law even with linking back (although how that is possible I do not know). So if you're interested in bpa free things, go here, that is if you can get the site to load, maybe it was taken down because some other people dared to copy and paste the list! And here silly me I thought getting the information out was important.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thank god this week is half over.
Seriously what a shitter of a week, the school stuff, the lack of sleep stuff (which is odd since the baby is sleeping better, but his long stretch of sleep is unfortunately before I go to sleep 8-1, then he's up and he doesn't want to go back to sleep).
Trent is 15lbs, 25 inches and has an average head. I thought the weight would be higher but I think he just carries it all in his legs and chins.
I would love to know what I did to my poor shoulder/neck area, and why do the top of my thighs hurt?
I need to sell more diapers today.
That is all.
Trent is 15lbs, 25 inches and has an average head. I thought the weight would be higher but I think he just carries it all in his legs and chins.
I would love to know what I did to my poor shoulder/neck area, and why do the top of my thighs hurt?
I need to sell more diapers today.
That is all.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Dear twisted little shit in my kid's class..
Right now I am so angry that you told my kid that you were going to come over and squeeze his baby brother to death that I'd like to squeeze you until you cry for your mommy, then I'd like to punch her right in the fucking face because it's not normal for a 7 year old to say something like that unless he's got fucked up parenting of some sort going on.
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK????!!
I need to have a serious sit down talk with his teacher, if that child is anywhere near my child again I'm going to pull him out of that school. Last week it was the kid hitting my kid in the privates (again WHAT THE FUCK?).
I am pissed and I am done.
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK????!!
I need to have a serious sit down talk with his teacher, if that child is anywhere near my child again I'm going to pull him out of that school. Last week it was the kid hitting my kid in the privates (again WHAT THE FUCK?).
I am pissed and I am done.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Reason #13000498 being a grownup sucks..
I was stuck getting new garage doors this week, the old ones had rotted so badly (hey this house was built in 1954 they were originals), that the windows were ready to fall out. Not exactly the safest of situations. So instead of the dishwasher that I so badly want need, I got stuck with new garage doors one of which the seal is getting stuck in the tracks. Called the company that installed them, the douchebag that did the installation came out and looked at it (yes he was a douchebag, anyone who makes inappropriate jokes about the girl at the gas station's nipple piercings or shows me his tattoo on his nasty concave hairy chest is indeed a douchebag), and of course he didn't have the stuff to fix it, and acted like it was stupid that I even called up there. 2 days later still no fix. I'm about to hurt someone.
My mood is not helped by either the rain, or the fact that instead of going out to buy flowers and a nice card for my mom I'll be visiting her grave. Last year I was distracted by my positive pregnancy test, this year I get to feel that pain nice and sharp all over again.
My mood is not helped by either the rain, or the fact that instead of going out to buy flowers and a nice card for my mom I'll be visiting her grave. Last year I was distracted by my positive pregnancy test, this year I get to feel that pain nice and sharp all over again.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Maybe sometimes the hippies are right.
I kept hearing all this crap about 'sunning out' diapers, I honestly thought it was a load of horseshit thought up by people who are against bleach and or other means of stain removal. I rarely get diaper stains but T's been teething, and he has a cold and or runny nose as a result of teething so we've had some ickiness. I was in a major hurry to get out and go somewhere so when I pulled the stained diaper out of the washer after cussing for a few minutes I opted to try tossing it on my outdoor table in the sun. Left to go shopping, came back and wouldn't you know that sucker was stain free, no joke. That doesn't mean I'll start putting 'damn the man' signs in front of my house, try to live off the grid or start wearing birkenstocks though, I promise.
It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Trenty, I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday the stick showed those two blue lines and now he's 4 months old. It's not fair that time goes by so fast.
I found new love for the ring sling I hated, head control is a wonderful thing. I can hip carry him with it and the plus side it goes on in record time. It's still not as comfy as the mei tei for longer outings though.
I got my loverly panda diaper in:

and the exersaucer:

You can see his chubby little ham arm reflected in the mirror there.
Well time to hit the showers before my boss wakes up from his nap.
It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Trenty, I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday the stick showed those two blue lines and now he's 4 months old. It's not fair that time goes by so fast.
I found new love for the ring sling I hated, head control is a wonderful thing. I can hip carry him with it and the plus side it goes on in record time. It's still not as comfy as the mei tei for longer outings though.
I got my loverly panda diaper in:

and the exersaucer:

You can see his chubby little ham arm reflected in the mirror there.
Well time to hit the showers before my boss wakes up from his nap.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Very Sweet.
If there was ever any doubt in my mind about the age difference between Xander and Trent, well all you have to do is listen to Xander take on the big brother roll and play with him. Seriously they just adore each other, and I know had I had them closer together when Xander was a high needs hell on wheels toddler it would not be this nice.
They're out there playing with the exersaucer and I hear the baby giggling every now and then.<3
They're out there playing with the exersaucer and I hear the baby giggling every now and then.<3
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I should be asleep..
But I'm shopping for Trenty as usual *paranoia*.
I'm thinking he needs something from here. Either these or these (in different sizes of course, I'm not that crazy, and maybe this. And definitely this
And maybe I need to go to bed before I wear all the plastic off my debit card eh? Babies are dangerous!
I'm thinking he needs something from here. Either these or these (in different sizes of course, I'm not that crazy, and maybe this. And definitely this
And maybe I need to go to bed before I wear all the plastic off my debit card eh? Babies are dangerous!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I really need to stay off of the parenting section of a certain website or I'm going to find myself banned. Seriously 'is it okay for a 4month old to cry it out?' ick ick NO! Even if it did work for some asshole in Parents Mag (also ick) at 5 months old. Too bad if you're tired and have a headache, that's parenting, that's life. I mean it's not like the kid can jump up out of the crib and make a sammich or come cuddle with mommy if he's lonely.
Maybe it's my very own lack of sleep that's making me super cranky but I kind of want to punch her. Trenty's been getting up roughly every two hours, and last night was terrible, but again I know what I signed up for. I did however get this piece of information that I was not aware of that's an explanation for increased night wakings at 4 mths Kellymom article on why babies that bf wake up more at 4 months. It makes a lot of sense actually, I think we can add teething in with Trenty though, it seems those bottom teeth have been in pre eruption mode forever. I bought him a tooth scrubby thing today, I am not screwing around with this kid's mouth. Xander's is already worth something like $600 in fillings. That's with insurance. Yeah. And not sugar until after 2 maybe 3 and I mean it! My bad teeth is the only thing X inherited from me.
On a sad note I can't pick up my older child anymore. Well I can but he almost took me down. He's gained 10 lbs and grew 4 inches this year, his legs hang down to my lower calf, and he's solid as a tank. He also asked me to spike his hair so he could look cool, lmao. Unfortunately his school is run by a bunch of uptight buttholes (uptight buttholes that provide a very good education though, which is why he's there) so no spikey hair for school.
Did I mention I'm tired? Yeah.
Maybe it's my very own lack of sleep that's making me super cranky but I kind of want to punch her. Trenty's been getting up roughly every two hours, and last night was terrible, but again I know what I signed up for. I did however get this piece of information that I was not aware of that's an explanation for increased night wakings at 4 mths Kellymom article on why babies that bf wake up more at 4 months. It makes a lot of sense actually, I think we can add teething in with Trenty though, it seems those bottom teeth have been in pre eruption mode forever. I bought him a tooth scrubby thing today, I am not screwing around with this kid's mouth. Xander's is already worth something like $600 in fillings. That's with insurance. Yeah. And not sugar until after 2 maybe 3 and I mean it! My bad teeth is the only thing X inherited from me.
On a sad note I can't pick up my older child anymore. Well I can but he almost took me down. He's gained 10 lbs and grew 4 inches this year, his legs hang down to my lower calf, and he's solid as a tank. He also asked me to spike his hair so he could look cool, lmao. Unfortunately his school is run by a bunch of uptight buttholes (uptight buttholes that provide a very good education though, which is why he's there) so no spikey hair for school.
Did I mention I'm tired? Yeah.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
This is going to be pic heavy.
Trentlebee has reached some milestones this month! He now holds and plays with his toys, and he also rolled for the first time yesterday!

Trenty with his toys (you can see his bright orange fuzzibunz peeking out there, lol)

Chilling on the changing table, that little outfit he has on is sz 12 months *faint*, he's a monster!

Hanging with mom.

So adorable <3.

rare photo of me with the little monster in his carrier. BEST PURCHASE EVAH!
It's been so warm here, but of course this week we're supposed to be back to cool BOOO! It's been nice to go outside, walk to the park and not be cooped up in the damn house.
Trent was moved to his own room on Monday, that's been going so so. i do not miss the crib in my room though, it took up way to much space.
I may have a slight obsession with diaperswappers.com, seriously I just sold off some stuff and bought some more stuff and it's sort of like a sickness. At least I'm not stalking diaper sellers for weeks in search of some overpriced fitted diaper...right? That's something anyway!

Trenty with his toys (you can see his bright orange fuzzibunz peeking out there, lol)

Chilling on the changing table, that little outfit he has on is sz 12 months *faint*, he's a monster!

Hanging with mom.

So adorable <3.

rare photo of me with the little monster in his carrier. BEST PURCHASE EVAH!
It's been so warm here, but of course this week we're supposed to be back to cool BOOO! It's been nice to go outside, walk to the park and not be cooped up in the damn house.
Trent was moved to his own room on Monday, that's been going so so. i do not miss the crib in my room though, it took up way to much space.
I may have a slight obsession with diaperswappers.com, seriously I just sold off some stuff and bought some more stuff and it's sort of like a sickness. At least I'm not stalking diaper sellers for weeks in search of some overpriced fitted diaper...right? That's something anyway!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I should really be utilizing the child's nap to take a shower, or clean something but I'm just not feeling it at the moment. It could be because like clockwork my period showed up, so much for the hope of last month being a fluke. Fuck you Aunt Flo, you were supposed to stop while I'm nursing exclusively. I'm also wondering if it's time to purchase a new Diva Cup, it's been a few years, I'm not sure the actual shelf life on this thing. Oh yeah and my boobs hurt which has made nursing a kid who is maybe teething a blast.
Why is it that the first question people ask me is 'does he sleep through the night?' Sometimes I feel like they're just being mean to me. Of course he doesn't sleep through the night. My first didn't sleep through the night either despite formula feeding and starting solids at 4 mos old, so there. I don't remember people asking me that question at all when X was a baby, perhaps because they were too busy asking me if he was my little brother, or telling me that I was too young to have a baby.
This was a bad morning in general, X spilled an entire glass of milk, and not just spilled but dropped the full cup on the ground. Milk everywhere, including the bottom of my diaper bag. I could seriously just weep for the mess I cleaned up. My kingdom for a kitchen big enough to house a real table and chair set other than this bench thing, which is rickety and the child plays on.
We signed up for baseball yesterday, we'll see how that goes. He'll be the youngest on the team probably and most likely the smallest. He just reaches that age cut off for everything, which sort of sucks for some things. I will say that he's pretty sportsy so I'm sure he'll do fine. Outside the recreation dept. there was a guy handing out football flyers, he told me to make sure I sign up Xander for it in a few years. Yeah if he's 70 lbs by 5th grade I'll shit, lol. Now the baby has an entirely different physic he'll probably look more like a football player.
I guess it's time to get on with it, I have laundry to do floors to mop dishes to do and hopefully throwing in a walk with the baby since it's close to 50 and sunny.
Why is it that the first question people ask me is 'does he sleep through the night?' Sometimes I feel like they're just being mean to me. Of course he doesn't sleep through the night. My first didn't sleep through the night either despite formula feeding and starting solids at 4 mos old, so there. I don't remember people asking me that question at all when X was a baby, perhaps because they were too busy asking me if he was my little brother, or telling me that I was too young to have a baby.
This was a bad morning in general, X spilled an entire glass of milk, and not just spilled but dropped the full cup on the ground. Milk everywhere, including the bottom of my diaper bag. I could seriously just weep for the mess I cleaned up. My kingdom for a kitchen big enough to house a real table and chair set other than this bench thing, which is rickety and the child plays on.
We signed up for baseball yesterday, we'll see how that goes. He'll be the youngest on the team probably and most likely the smallest. He just reaches that age cut off for everything, which sort of sucks for some things. I will say that he's pretty sportsy so I'm sure he'll do fine. Outside the recreation dept. there was a guy handing out football flyers, he told me to make sure I sign up Xander for it in a few years. Yeah if he's 70 lbs by 5th grade I'll shit, lol. Now the baby has an entirely different physic he'll probably look more like a football player.
I guess it's time to get on with it, I have laundry to do floors to mop dishes to do and hopefully throwing in a walk with the baby since it's close to 50 and sunny.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Spring break ended as of yesterday and we're back on the school. Of course already the child seems to be coming down with a cold, fucking cess pool of disease. Hurry up summer, hurry the fuck up.
I am so tired today I can't see straight, I'm hoping a shower and a walk (if the rain doesn't start up again, please rain don't start up again) will give me the energy to get done the shit that needs doing today. I need to sell off some of my diapers, I don't need them, they're taking up space and I want to buy fabric. I also need to make dinner early (tae kwon do today which means I need to cook and have stuff ready by 3:30 so I can run to Target before I pick him up), and I need to organize my closet at least the clothes that don't fit etc. I need to ebay the maternity stuff. Really it's like never ending.
My period came back last month, yeah 10 weeks out. I talked to my midwife about Mirena but my insurance company said no. That just infuriates me, they'll pay for pregnancy but not a fabulous way to prevent it? It's not like I don't know how to avoid getting pregnant without one but it would make life a lot easier, and my periods gone or at least lighter.
On the plus news the baby is cute and getting bigger. I love love the baby babble. He sleeps like Xander did which is not as much as I'd like, but some nights are okay, last night was not.
And it's raining again, boooo. This turned into far more of a bitchfest than I meant it too. Perhaps I need a nap since I can't 'take a walk'.
I am so tired today I can't see straight, I'm hoping a shower and a walk (if the rain doesn't start up again, please rain don't start up again) will give me the energy to get done the shit that needs doing today. I need to sell off some of my diapers, I don't need them, they're taking up space and I want to buy fabric. I also need to make dinner early (tae kwon do today which means I need to cook and have stuff ready by 3:30 so I can run to Target before I pick him up), and I need to organize my closet at least the clothes that don't fit etc. I need to ebay the maternity stuff. Really it's like never ending.
My period came back last month, yeah 10 weeks out. I talked to my midwife about Mirena but my insurance company said no. That just infuriates me, they'll pay for pregnancy but not a fabulous way to prevent it? It's not like I don't know how to avoid getting pregnant without one but it would make life a lot easier, and my periods gone or at least lighter.
On the plus news the baby is cute and getting bigger. I love love the baby babble. He sleeps like Xander did which is not as much as I'd like, but some nights are okay, last night was not.
And it's raining again, boooo. This turned into far more of a bitchfest than I meant it too. Perhaps I need a nap since I can't 'take a walk'.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Which means spring break is almost over. Between the cold snow and rain we've had what one nice day? Took big boy to the dentist Tuesday where I learned he has three new cavities, two in permanent teeth, crist he only HAS 2 permanent teeth. Oh yeah and they said his mouth is crowded and we'll be looking at orthodontia in a few years. GREAT! Although honestly how they can tell with only two permanent teeth in that he's going to need braces I don't know. $$$$ I think that might be what's going through their minds. Today we go to get those cavities filled. Ick.
Easter was fairly uneventful, gave candy, went to dinner came home. We colored eggs Saturday. Really Easter is not my favorite holiday, I'm not religious and I hate having a house full of candy.
As it turns out we're going downhill money wise again, they increased our house taxes by $110 a few months ago and it's hurting. What does this mean? In June I'm going to apply back up at Target. God that makes my stomach turn to even think about it. I can only work 4 hr shifts with nursing for awhile which means I'll be making very little, but it will help. The other option is to have J get a second job and well we've lived like that before and it sucked for everyone. I'd rather switch shifts.
So because of my impending employment there is a huge list of things I need to get done in terms of organizing this house, sewing projects and knitting stuff before June.
~Late next month Trent is moving to his own room. It will be time then, and quite frankly I'm sick of getting dressed in two different places, and I want J back in my bed (he does not sleep with us because of co sleeping and we have a small bed and he's a heavy sleeper unsafe in both of our opinions).
~organize the closets, all of them need overhaul.
~Sewing projects: two skirts for me, shopping cart cover, blankie and boppy cover
~Knitting projects: Trenty's turtle, and Xander's gingerbread man.
That's enough eh?
Easter was fairly uneventful, gave candy, went to dinner came home. We colored eggs Saturday. Really Easter is not my favorite holiday, I'm not religious and I hate having a house full of candy.
As it turns out we're going downhill money wise again, they increased our house taxes by $110 a few months ago and it's hurting. What does this mean? In June I'm going to apply back up at Target. God that makes my stomach turn to even think about it. I can only work 4 hr shifts with nursing for awhile which means I'll be making very little, but it will help. The other option is to have J get a second job and well we've lived like that before and it sucked for everyone. I'd rather switch shifts.
So because of my impending employment there is a huge list of things I need to get done in terms of organizing this house, sewing projects and knitting stuff before June.
~Late next month Trent is moving to his own room. It will be time then, and quite frankly I'm sick of getting dressed in two different places, and I want J back in my bed (he does not sleep with us because of co sleeping and we have a small bed and he's a heavy sleeper unsafe in both of our opinions).
~organize the closets, all of them need overhaul.
~Sewing projects: two skirts for me, shopping cart cover, blankie and boppy cover
~Knitting projects: Trenty's turtle, and Xander's gingerbread man.
That's enough eh?
Monday, March 17, 2008
It's monday.
I realized yesterday I have one giant child and one tiny one. I know you're thinking 'of course you do, you have a 6yo and a 2month old!' but no the 6 yo is tiny the 2 month old is a monster. I took some impromptu pics of the boys yesterday. Here Xander is struggling to hold up his brother's gigantic noggin:

You can see the look on his face, 'moom my aaarm'
Somewhere the gene pool went good because these are some cute guys:

I tried in vain to find the photo albums of my baby pictures since I've been told a few times that the baby looks like me. I thought I gave them to my dad, but he can't find them, I poked a few boxes in the basement and something made a noise (one of Xander's old toys? I hope...) and creeped me out so that search was over. They've got to be somewhere, I'll be sick if they're gone. There were pics of my mom in there.
This weekend I bought a lamp, bought hair dye to hide the pocket of gray on my head that I just can't take anymore, watched 12 episodes of the first season of Lost, and made a ham.
I swear I had more to say but I just can't think of it.

You can see the look on his face, 'moom my aaarm'
Somewhere the gene pool went good because these are some cute guys:

I tried in vain to find the photo albums of my baby pictures since I've been told a few times that the baby looks like me. I thought I gave them to my dad, but he can't find them, I poked a few boxes in the basement and something made a noise (one of Xander's old toys? I hope...) and creeped me out so that search was over. They've got to be somewhere, I'll be sick if they're gone. There were pics of my mom in there.
This weekend I bought a lamp, bought hair dye to hide the pocket of gray on my head that I just can't take anymore, watched 12 episodes of the first season of Lost, and made a ham.
I swear I had more to say but I just can't think of it.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ugh miserable.
Who's sick of winter raise your hand? My lovely older child passed on a cold to my younger child and then in turn passed it on to me. I'm thinking of canceling my eye appt. because the thought of someone poking my eyes right now with this sinus headache makes me want to vomit. I also spewed up something that was not only chunky but a little bloody.
Baby boy had his shots yesterday so not only is he snotty he's also feeling otherwise icky, blech. The good news is that he's doing well 12lbs 6oz (we're close to doubling birthweight already!) and 23 inches long, he's short and fat lol. I got the zantac, I figure it can't hurt to try. I've tried dairy free and he seemed to puke more strangely enough so I'm fairly sure it's not diet related. It's up and down we have good days and we have days where I'm changing clothes all day.
While for the most part I like my Ped, she's very mainstream. I'm mainstream in a lot of respects too, I do get all the vaccinations on time and all of that jazz, but I am breastfeeding, and co sleeping. She suggested starting cereal at 4 months, yeah no thank you. I'm not planning on cereal at all this time, btdt with big kid and all it did was frustrate me and make a huge mess. She mentioned that 'breastfeeders often start later' I had no clue we were a cult! Seriously weird thing to say. I've also discontinued his vitamins which I'm pretty sure made him puke more and made his poop icky. And the whole 'if they're not drinking 17oz of formula you must give them vitamins' thing is silly too IMO. Like I said overall she's okay, but I definitely do not agree with everything she says, and that goes for all dr.s I've seen over time.
Big kid finally showed some sibling rivalry, but it was more directed at me than the baby. Apparently I'm NEVER EVER nice to him but I'm always nice to Trent. This came after the very minor punishment of having to turn the Wii off at 6 and read quietly in his room for getting into trouble at school. Oh the horror! We're starting spring break in a week. I swear they haven't been in school a full week since going back from Christmas break. And apparently they have one day to make up this summer for snow days BOOOOO! There shouldn't have even been a snowday on Monday, everything was cleaned up after the storm, crazy.
and of course can't leave without pictues:

Chunky monkey in a wonderwrap.

Cute smile <3.
Time to finish washing diapers and get on with my day.
Baby boy had his shots yesterday so not only is he snotty he's also feeling otherwise icky, blech. The good news is that he's doing well 12lbs 6oz (we're close to doubling birthweight already!) and 23 inches long, he's short and fat lol. I got the zantac, I figure it can't hurt to try. I've tried dairy free and he seemed to puke more strangely enough so I'm fairly sure it's not diet related. It's up and down we have good days and we have days where I'm changing clothes all day.
While for the most part I like my Ped, she's very mainstream. I'm mainstream in a lot of respects too, I do get all the vaccinations on time and all of that jazz, but I am breastfeeding, and co sleeping. She suggested starting cereal at 4 months, yeah no thank you. I'm not planning on cereal at all this time, btdt with big kid and all it did was frustrate me and make a huge mess. She mentioned that 'breastfeeders often start later' I had no clue we were a cult! Seriously weird thing to say. I've also discontinued his vitamins which I'm pretty sure made him puke more and made his poop icky. And the whole 'if they're not drinking 17oz of formula you must give them vitamins' thing is silly too IMO. Like I said overall she's okay, but I definitely do not agree with everything she says, and that goes for all dr.s I've seen over time.
Big kid finally showed some sibling rivalry, but it was more directed at me than the baby. Apparently I'm NEVER EVER nice to him but I'm always nice to Trent. This came after the very minor punishment of having to turn the Wii off at 6 and read quietly in his room for getting into trouble at school. Oh the horror! We're starting spring break in a week. I swear they haven't been in school a full week since going back from Christmas break. And apparently they have one day to make up this summer for snow days BOOOOO! There shouldn't have even been a snowday on Monday, everything was cleaned up after the storm, crazy.
and of course can't leave without pictues:

Chunky monkey in a wonderwrap.

Cute smile <3.
Time to finish washing diapers and get on with my day.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
warm. No, ice storm. No, snow....
This is like the 5th snow day they've had off since January, might even be the 6th I have not kept track. The ice storm last night quite frankly sucked balls, plus it was voting day for the primaries, we slid our asses up there though.
Big kid for the first time received straight As (okay Es same diff) on his progress report <3. Craftay Blahg in a few.
And I will leave you with Trenty ready to knock you out (on his changing table of course, with his new sock dino made for me by the talented Fibergoddess Venus.

Big kid for the first time received straight As (okay Es same diff) on his progress report <3. Craftay Blahg in a few.
And I will leave you with Trenty ready to knock you out (on his changing table of course, with his new sock dino made for me by the talented Fibergoddess Venus.

Saturday, February 23, 2008
not enough time
I can always think of 10 million things I want to blog about when I'm laying in bed trying to sleep but then when I sit here, it's blank.
Well I guess I can bitch about big kid's school. This week has been awash with issues.
Lets start with the school concert. I got a note home with no less than 10 things they wanted me to bring in for costumes, one of them being a kimono (yeah let me just run to my local kimono store and grab one!) and a martial arts outfit. A.)They are putting on a 45 minute show and they're going to change clothes 2-3 times? I don't think so. B.) I do not live in a wealthy area, I live in a blue collar city where most people would not have the funds to drop $100 for a child's concert at the drop of a hat. When I sent in a note to my son's teacher about all of that she didn't even get it. They did remedy it by saying they could wear their school uniforms to preform in to make it easier. It's obvious they don't think things through there at all when it comes to stuff like this. It's not the first time I've been very whatthefuck about stuff in regards to certain things.
My second issue this week is with the school sponsored Tae Kwon Do class. For $20 my kiddo gets half an hour of instruction after school every Tuesday. It's a fabulous deal but get this I'm not allowed to watch him unless I get there at 3pm to help. The instructor doesn't want parents there, um okay. I guess I'll pay a lot more for the privilege of being able to watch him in May when I sign him up at the ymca's.
The baby is getting big, we're almost out of ever 0-3 month thing he's got. He's smiling like crazy and is so so cute, he's like our little family mascot. I can't believe I said I didn't want anymore children all those years, this little dude has brought so much joy to our house.
Well I guess I can bitch about big kid's school. This week has been awash with issues.
Lets start with the school concert. I got a note home with no less than 10 things they wanted me to bring in for costumes, one of them being a kimono (yeah let me just run to my local kimono store and grab one!) and a martial arts outfit. A.)They are putting on a 45 minute show and they're going to change clothes 2-3 times? I don't think so. B.) I do not live in a wealthy area, I live in a blue collar city where most people would not have the funds to drop $100 for a child's concert at the drop of a hat. When I sent in a note to my son's teacher about all of that she didn't even get it. They did remedy it by saying they could wear their school uniforms to preform in to make it easier. It's obvious they don't think things through there at all when it comes to stuff like this. It's not the first time I've been very whatthefuck about stuff in regards to certain things.
My second issue this week is with the school sponsored Tae Kwon Do class. For $20 my kiddo gets half an hour of instruction after school every Tuesday. It's a fabulous deal but get this I'm not allowed to watch him unless I get there at 3pm to help. The instructor doesn't want parents there, um okay. I guess I'll pay a lot more for the privilege of being able to watch him in May when I sign him up at the ymca's.
The baby is getting big, we're almost out of ever 0-3 month thing he's got. He's smiling like crazy and is so so cute, he's like our little family mascot. I can't believe I said I didn't want anymore children all those years, this little dude has brought so much joy to our house.
Friday, February 8, 2008
How do you know you have a 6 week old baby?
~When the dishes are half done because he keeps pretending he's asleep, and it's really awkward to rinse dishes while having a sling attached to the front of you.
~You're covered in pee, breastmilk, and spit up
~You haven't showered.
~You haven't washed any clothes except for diapers and baby clothes.
It has definitely been one of those days, but at least I got a bunch of cheap stuff for the boys at ON! Huge sale, glad I didn't have money until today or I would have spent $68 more and got less wheeee!
Cloth covered butts are definitely the cutest butts:

Trenty said knock you out! Just as a warning if you click on that picture you're going to be able to see every pore on the kid, too lazy for resize.
~You're covered in pee, breastmilk, and spit up
~You haven't showered.
~You haven't washed any clothes except for diapers and baby clothes.
It has definitely been one of those days, but at least I got a bunch of cheap stuff for the boys at ON! Huge sale, glad I didn't have money until today or I would have spent $68 more and got less wheeee!
Cloth covered butts are definitely the cutest butts:
Trenty said knock you out! Just as a warning if you click on that picture you're going to be able to see every pore on the kid, too lazy for resize.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
And I'm exhausted and my back and neck are killing me from sleeping in such an awkward position night after night nursing the kiddo. I almost even got up late to get Xander ready for school, I slept through an alarm :O that's very not like me.
I did FINALLY get the damn Tide all out of the fuzzibunz, thank god, another wash cycle with Dawn finally did it. I'm almost thinking fleece stuff isn't for me, if I have another incident of buildup (I bought windfresh detergent from Sam's, it was recommended *crosses fingers* we'll see) I might just forget pockets all together, although I really really do like them.
Here's the wool wrap cover I made for mr. Trenty:

I even sewed the little laundry tabs on it it so the velcro doesn't catch in the wash.
I need more wool, and some of these prefolds infant and premium sizes, a few more of these covers, I got a few in trade and they rock! And a few more AIOs, and I should be set until potty training *crosses fingers*.
In other news I'm super proud of Xander, he got mostly excellents on his last report card! He's such an awesome kid, 6 really is a fantastic age.
I'll leave with this:

They just look slightly related eh?
I did FINALLY get the damn Tide all out of the fuzzibunz, thank god, another wash cycle with Dawn finally did it. I'm almost thinking fleece stuff isn't for me, if I have another incident of buildup (I bought windfresh detergent from Sam's, it was recommended *crosses fingers* we'll see) I might just forget pockets all together, although I really really do like them.
Here's the wool wrap cover I made for mr. Trenty:
I even sewed the little laundry tabs on it it so the velcro doesn't catch in the wash.
I need more wool, and some of these prefolds infant and premium sizes, a few more of these covers, I got a few in trade and they rock! And a few more AIOs, and I should be set until potty training *crosses fingers*.
In other news I'm super proud of Xander, he got mostly excellents on his last report card! He's such an awesome kid, 6 really is a fantastic age.
I'll leave with this:
They just look slightly related eh?
Monday, February 4, 2008
Well apparently I'm making heavy cream instead of milk, fatty bo batty is up to 10 lbs *faint*, that's right 10. 97th percentile, almost 4lbs heavier than birth weight at 5 weeks old. I know Xander doubled birth weight by 3 months, but christ he was never in a higher percentile than 50 I think.
I made him a really adorable wool wrap diaper cover I'll need to take a picture of it, it's so so cute. He'll be growing out of it in like 10 minutes though, I need to get it lanolized so he can wear it before he gets too pudgy.
The dr told me to call back in a few days if I felt he was uncomfy with the spitting up, so we can start him on zantac. I really don't think he needs it though, it seems to wax and wane some days are okay, some are a little worse. I just hate the thought of giving him unnecessary meds. He also has an umbilical hernia, not uncommon I guess.
I also apparently fucked my fleece diapers, I've tried stripping them in oxyclean, and then washing them in Dawn and they still smell ammonia-y out of the dryer *cry* last option is to scrub them inside and out with Dawn then wash them again *twitch* psa don't use Tide, especially if you have hard water I guess because it makes them build up. On the upside the oxyclean removed every stain they had, my inserts too are gorgeous again. I'm afraid to even crack open the one sizes in fear of fucking them right away. Ugh.
I made him a really adorable wool wrap diaper cover I'll need to take a picture of it, it's so so cute. He'll be growing out of it in like 10 minutes though, I need to get it lanolized so he can wear it before he gets too pudgy.
The dr told me to call back in a few days if I felt he was uncomfy with the spitting up, so we can start him on zantac. I really don't think he needs it though, it seems to wax and wane some days are okay, some are a little worse. I just hate the thought of giving him unnecessary meds. He also has an umbilical hernia, not uncommon I guess.
I also apparently fucked my fleece diapers, I've tried stripping them in oxyclean, and then washing them in Dawn and they still smell ammonia-y out of the dryer *cry* last option is to scrub them inside and out with Dawn then wash them again *twitch* psa don't use Tide, especially if you have hard water I guess because it makes them build up. On the upside the oxyclean removed every stain they had, my inserts too are gorgeous again. I'm afraid to even crack open the one sizes in fear of fucking them right away. Ugh.
Friday, January 25, 2008
All hail the paci!
I read a breastfeeding book when I was pregnant, and they had a whole section on the evils of artificial nipples. I gave the baby an artificial nipple, I am going to hell. After 2 hours straight (no I'm not kidding) on the boob, there was seriously nothing left so for 20 minutes he sucked a nuk. No I do not feel bad, I do feel bad that I bought the wrong kind initially (just like mom's breast my ASS). I would guess this means baby buddah is going to grow and get fatter <3. When we go to the Ped on the 4th I will be discussing the possibility of reflux, he's a puker, and sometimes he seems to just be in pain. Poor little dude. It doesn't seem to be affecting his weight gain or growth though or I'd be heading there immediately. I don't recall having this issue with X, but we had a whole other host of issues including the fun colic from hell.
My other kid (still weird to say other kid, I have 2 now jeebus), came home from school with this little packet about why we should thank the inventors of this or that. He wrote at the end that he would like to invent zip up shoes, so that he would never have to learn to tie his (yes I'm aware they do make shoes with zippers). That's my kid, too stubborn to learn to tie so he'd invent something new so he didn't have to, lol.
On the diaper front, I feel myself reaching more for the first diapers I bought, the prefolds, more than anything. I use them first then I exhaust my fuzzibunz supply. I do still like the FB but I find that we get more leaks with them. Cover over the prefold seems almost bulletproof. I like fitteds too but they're not as trim. I did just get 6 MEOS, I'm dying to dye them. I also discovered the Nikky diaper cover. Holy shit this thing is amazing, it's 100% cotton but has some sort of waterproof thing in it, light, trim, breathable and it doesn't leak. I need to get one in a bigger size.
Right now I'm needing/wanting 3 more OS AIOs, 1 dozen premium prefolds (am also considering another dozen infant prefolds but we'll see), 5-6 one size wonderwraps, another Nikky, and maybe some prowraps or something. That really ought to take me through potty training, I also want to get some pins, for when Trenty is moving around, I'm pretty sure the snappi will get yoinked right off. And babylegs. And I think I'm scary obsessed.
My other kid (still weird to say other kid, I have 2 now jeebus), came home from school with this little packet about why we should thank the inventors of this or that. He wrote at the end that he would like to invent zip up shoes, so that he would never have to learn to tie his (yes I'm aware they do make shoes with zippers). That's my kid, too stubborn to learn to tie so he'd invent something new so he didn't have to, lol.
On the diaper front, I feel myself reaching more for the first diapers I bought, the prefolds, more than anything. I use them first then I exhaust my fuzzibunz supply. I do still like the FB but I find that we get more leaks with them. Cover over the prefold seems almost bulletproof. I like fitteds too but they're not as trim. I did just get 6 MEOS, I'm dying to dye them. I also discovered the Nikky diaper cover. Holy shit this thing is amazing, it's 100% cotton but has some sort of waterproof thing in it, light, trim, breathable and it doesn't leak. I need to get one in a bigger size.
Right now I'm needing/wanting 3 more OS AIOs, 1 dozen premium prefolds (am also considering another dozen infant prefolds but we'll see), 5-6 one size wonderwraps, another Nikky, and maybe some prowraps or something. That really ought to take me through potty training, I also want to get some pins, for when Trenty is moving around, I'm pretty sure the snappi will get yoinked right off. And babylegs. And I think I'm scary obsessed.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

that's right, and I'm even doing it right now. Maybe I pretend it's no biggie but I'm a little proud, I can't help it. My little buddah is getting so chubby, it's so freaking cute <3 if I can get him off for more than 5 minutes I'll post a pic.
Big bro is back at school after another mini vacay, getting up at 6:45 not fun neither coffee or tylenol is touching this headache blech.
I've been sitting here writing this for an hour, in between that time I've finished the dishes, fed the baby again and threw the diapers in the wash *yawn* still tired.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I am typing with a small wiggly baby on my lap.
Just like usual. He will be 3 weeks old tomorrow unbelievably, where have these weeks gone? Seems like I just had him yesterday.
Nursing is still going great, I even got out my pump today and got a few ounces out of the boob that Trent wasn't nursing from at the last feeding. So far he's only had formula once and that was an emergency situation (I spent 7 hrs in the ER, so sorry over the top lactivist people I did not bring him with me so he could pick up RSV or pneumonia from all the sick people there). I have a shitload of similac sitting here and I don't want to use it, it makes his poop stink (from butter to rotten eggs with the formula, ick), and then I'd have to mix stuff and it would be annoying. But yeah I'd like to leave the house once in awhile so if I get a freezer stash and have Jeff start giving him bottles at a month old we'll be gravy I hope.
It's funny I never considered myself even remotely crunchy/hippielike etc, yet I'm slinging, cloth diapering and nursing. I initially started cd-ing to save money, after reading the horrid things in disposable diapers and the male infertility link *shivers* now I feel like I'm actually doing something other than just saving money. Plus why should people trust something that can sit on your kid for 5 hrs and they don't even feel wet from it? But yeah I'm still going to eat meat, and drink starbucks so that's where the crunchy ends.
My quick cloth diaper review consists of, I like fuzzibunz, a swaddlebees with a whisperwrap is a FANTASTIC nighttime dipe, and stay away from covers that have cotton on them unless you like changing whole outfits everytime your wee one wees. He is not big enough for his one sizes yet, and I found that I need more a stash of 20 should do pretty darn well. Plus I need covers, bummis and prowraps ONLY fuck the fancy ones, they just don't work cheap = good. I just bought some used WAHM AIOs we'll see how those are. In any event they were cheap.
And of course I'm still in love with his curly fuzzy little head. Seriously I could just stare at him for hours, and in fact I do at night which is why I get even less sleep than I should.
Nursing is still going great, I even got out my pump today and got a few ounces out of the boob that Trent wasn't nursing from at the last feeding. So far he's only had formula once and that was an emergency situation (I spent 7 hrs in the ER, so sorry over the top lactivist people I did not bring him with me so he could pick up RSV or pneumonia from all the sick people there). I have a shitload of similac sitting here and I don't want to use it, it makes his poop stink (from butter to rotten eggs with the formula, ick), and then I'd have to mix stuff and it would be annoying. But yeah I'd like to leave the house once in awhile so if I get a freezer stash and have Jeff start giving him bottles at a month old we'll be gravy I hope.
It's funny I never considered myself even remotely crunchy/hippielike etc, yet I'm slinging, cloth diapering and nursing. I initially started cd-ing to save money, after reading the horrid things in disposable diapers and the male infertility link *shivers* now I feel like I'm actually doing something other than just saving money. Plus why should people trust something that can sit on your kid for 5 hrs and they don't even feel wet from it? But yeah I'm still going to eat meat, and drink starbucks so that's where the crunchy ends.
My quick cloth diaper review consists of, I like fuzzibunz, a swaddlebees with a whisperwrap is a FANTASTIC nighttime dipe, and stay away from covers that have cotton on them unless you like changing whole outfits everytime your wee one wees. He is not big enough for his one sizes yet, and I found that I need more a stash of 20 should do pretty darn well. Plus I need covers, bummis and prowraps ONLY fuck the fancy ones, they just don't work cheap = good. I just bought some used WAHM AIOs we'll see how those are. In any event they were cheap.
And of course I'm still in love with his curly fuzzy little head. Seriously I could just stare at him for hours, and in fact I do at night which is why I get even less sleep than I should.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Well hello.
I found the draft I started writing on December 27th about how crappy I felt, well why I felt crappy was that on December 28th I went into labor! Trenton Henry arrived at 12:49 pm December 28th after 4 hours of labor 6lbs 6oz 19 inches long. This time I had two contractions before my water broke, I had zero with Xander. Absolutely freaky fast labor, I swear I'm not having anymore, I'm afraid the next will be born in the car.
So the last two weeks have been nuts I'm sure you can imagine. Nursing is going fantastic, at 12 days old he weighed 6lbs 14oz. Little piggy. He looks huge compared to how Xander looked as a newborn. I know it's odd that a 6lb child can look huge but considering X was 5, he looked so chubby when he was born.
This is not very coherent, probably because I'm so sleep deprived and the child is sucking my brain out my boobs as we speak. I will leave with pictures and try to get my thoughts in order for a better post next time, along with a cloth diaper review. Yup I'm cding already, and you know, I like it.

So the last two weeks have been nuts I'm sure you can imagine. Nursing is going fantastic, at 12 days old he weighed 6lbs 14oz. Little piggy. He looks huge compared to how Xander looked as a newborn. I know it's odd that a 6lb child can look huge but considering X was 5, he looked so chubby when he was born.
This is not very coherent, probably because I'm so sleep deprived and the child is sucking my brain out my boobs as we speak. I will leave with pictures and try to get my thoughts in order for a better post next time, along with a cloth diaper review. Yup I'm cding already, and you know, I like it.
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