Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thoughts for the day.

~Standing in line for 45 minutes for a hayride is ridiculous
~The little girl who pointed to my son and said 'that guy is really cute' was somewhat cute and somewhat disturbing.
~My child is always the one to have a breakdown while waiting in line.
~The guy that let my 5yo cousin and Xander pick some apples off the tree was nice, as was the woman who gave my kiddo a juice box in the midst of his breakdown. Sometimes there are still nice people although it may not seem that way.
~When all was said and done they not only sold out of water, but also the candy apples that I wanted so badly. Waaahhh.
~The creepy guy at the bar last night that wouldn't fucking leave us alone needs to have his balls put through a meat grinder. Seriously dude, you're a freak.

Things that are at the back of my mind..

~I'm tired of financial aid screwing around with me
~I STILL need a location for Trent's birthday party
~I need some jeans, and a dress to wear to the stupid wedding I have to go to.

All in all the weekend was okay.

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