Baby boy had his shots yesterday so not only is he snotty he's also feeling otherwise icky, blech. The good news is that he's doing well 12lbs 6oz (we're close to doubling birthweight already!) and 23 inches long, he's short and fat lol. I got the zantac, I figure it can't hurt to try. I've tried dairy free and he seemed to puke more strangely enough so I'm fairly sure it's not diet related. It's up and down we have good days and we have days where I'm changing clothes all day.
While for the most part I like my Ped, she's very mainstream. I'm mainstream in a lot of respects too, I do get all the vaccinations on time and all of that jazz, but I am breastfeeding, and co sleeping. She suggested starting cereal at 4 months, yeah no thank you. I'm not planning on cereal at all this time, btdt with big kid and all it did was frustrate me and make a huge mess. She mentioned that 'breastfeeders often start later' I had no clue we were a cult! Seriously weird thing to say. I've also discontinued his vitamins which I'm pretty sure made him puke more and made his poop icky. And the whole 'if they're not drinking 17oz of formula you must give them vitamins' thing is silly too IMO. Like I said overall she's okay, but I definitely do not agree with everything she says, and that goes for all dr.s I've seen over time.
Big kid finally showed some sibling rivalry, but it was more directed at me than the baby. Apparently I'm NEVER EVER nice to him but I'm always nice to Trent. This came after the very minor punishment of having to turn the Wii off at 6 and read quietly in his room for getting into trouble at school. Oh the horror! We're starting spring break in a week. I swear they haven't been in school a full week since going back from Christmas break. And apparently they have one day to make up this summer for snow days BOOOOO! There shouldn't have even been a snowday on Monday, everything was cleaned up after the storm, crazy.
and of course can't leave without pictues:

Chunky monkey in a wonderwrap.

Cute smile <3.
Time to finish washing diapers and get on with my day.
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