Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Cocktober.

We've all been fighting our second cold since school started at the end of August, seriously blech. I can't tell if T actually had a cold or if it had to do with his two bottom teeth coming through. He looks so incredibly cute with those choppers! <3

This weekend I want to really do some fall-ish Halloween-y stuff. Apple farm + buying pumpkins I think. I need to get into the mood.

I wound up retaking my English placement test for school since I bombed really badly the first time. I actually focused on the test rather than trying to finish quickly (a very bad bad habit of mine that needs to be broken), and my score this time qualified me for honors. Read books kiddies, because if not for all the reading I've done over the last uh 20 years of my life I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done nearly that well, I've been out of school almost 10 years.

Finally reason # 20098 I need to go back to school, I spent two hours reading a thread at the diaper website where two women were fighting over which crunchy diaper detergent was best. Yes my brain deserves better.

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