Sunday, September 28, 2008

Really I should be updating this a whole lot more.

And I have no idea why I'm picking tonight to do this, I'm so effing tired I could puke.

#1 Trenty pants is 9 months today. 9 months people, where the hell has the time gone?? He's getting his first tooth, it just broke the surface, he's cruising furniture, giving kisses, waving and is either incredibly happy or incredibly pissed off.

#2 I applied for college. I haven't been inside of a school in nearly 10 years, I'm terrified and excited. I'm getting two grants, which makes it that much easier. Yes this makes me very happy. I pretty much bombed the math placement test, and only came close on the English (I'm retaking that Tuesday). Still trying to figure out exactly when I'm going, what I'm doing with Trent and some other issues in general but I've made important steps rather than just hemming and hawing about it. I NEED to do this, it's very important to me and my family, it will be well worth it.

#3 is there a number 3? I guess #3 is that my oldest kid is really smart, he's been helping other students read, and he got all As (one C, but that average will go up since he aced the science test) on his progress report. He got 106% in spelling, that's right, it's because he's spelled every word right including the bonus word. I'm so thrilled he's a good reader, I love to read, and it's important to me.

This has been one hell of a weekend in general. Saturday we went to my cousin's house for my a surprise 40th birthday party. Things like this are just not fun with an infant. Their house was a total infant death trap, and everyone was getting hammered and singing karaoke, woohoo, bleh. and my (childless) cousin made some sort of remark about how awful it is to have to go home early because a baby is cramping your style. Ayup. If I want to go out and have a few drinks it's not at a family party, it's at a bar with one of my friend's while the baby is home with daddy, getting drunk with kids around (fyi I don't get drunk even without kids around, I'm nursing) is not fun at all.

Then today it was my, I guess you would call her my step mother in law's surprise 40th birthday party. Another incredibly child unfriendly house, just short of squalor, and they have a big dog. I don't mean big like 50lbs I mean big like the size of a larger man big. Did I mention the dog is also mean? The dog bit three people while we were there, no bullshit, he drew blood on one woman. And my step MIL just kept opening presents while this poor woman ran into the house to clean the wound, WTF?? I'm more than a little disgusted with them. I have pets, I love my pets, but when people come over the dog goes into his crate. He's not even a bitey dog but I don't like him jumping all over people and barking, not everyone likes dogs, I'm completely cool with that. It's just plain ass ignorance.

Basically Trent is not a good traveler these days and going places (people's houses especially) is a nightmare. He'd rather be at home crawling around and pulling up on stuff in our (safe) house. So this weekend blew, and I'm so exhausted I could cry. I also started my period.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

2nd Grade Girls.

Well one in particular is irritating my kid. The classroom has a comment box (Jeff asked me what is that like myspace messaging classroom style? HA!) where I guess the kids can air their grievances about other kids.

Xander got this one (I will write down exactly what it says and then translate):

you are evrie bidis freind but nut min plies be my frenid.

Xander you are everybody's friend but not mine please be my friend.

So I asked him if he was being a jerk to this poor girl, but apparently he isn't he just doesn't want to hold hands and hug like she does. This is of course the same kid who's mother without any social grace glared at me when she said 'oh no Xander's in my class again!'.

I swear they grow up too fast with the boyfriend/girlfriend crap. Xander is uninterested, he likes pokemon and video games not girls. For this I am eternally grateful.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I now remember the bad thing about back to school. No sleep, no sleep at all.

The baby's new schedule is getting up at 6 something in the am, and pulling my face off until I get up. That just sucks on weekends, let me tell you.

He's also decided that after a good month of crawling around he's done being independent and apparently wants back into the womb. Either he's teething or getting sick, both are a real possibility since Xander has already brought his first school illness home to share.

Holiday weekend was alright, I wasn't really able to go some of the places X and Jeff went because of Trent. The baseball game would have been sucky (nosebleed seats baby that's wiggly yeah) and the airshow is really really REALLY loud and no good for little babies. I went shopping instead.

I think we're in our last blast of summer now, we had cool weather and now this week it's going to be rather warm.

Well I have diapers to wash and dishes to do and baby to feed, whoever said being a grownup was good lied I say they LIED!