Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little dude is 10 months today.

That means we're only 2 months away from a year *cry*.

~He's got two teeth and is getting two more (top, he has bottom center)
~At his last dr.s appt he weighed 19lbs which is what Xander weighed at 15 months, but he's still in the 25th percentile, X was in the -5th.
~He's clapping his hands, waving his arms around.
~He's added mama, nana and HEY! (when you take something away) to his vocabulary which was dada and vava (the only word that has meaning he calls the cat that).
~He's cruising furniture like a mad man and starting to let go and stand on his own.
~We are still cloth diapering, we are still nursing.
~other than nursing he also eats everything in sight.
~he's becoming less fearful of strangers, but still didn't do great when my friend watched him Saturday so we could attend a hillbilly hodown wedding.

And that's about all. I'd really like him to stop growing now.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Why yes and it feels like one too. Started the day with the big kid losing his shoes, couldn't find them anywhere in the 2 minutes we had before we missed the bus. Of course he thought he was instantly going to have to move his clip so it resulted in a crying screaming meltdown. Meanwhile I had to dress the baby in so many layers of clothes to prevent freezing to death I simply didn't have it in me to make up a punishment for after school.

Then we haul butt to the dentist at 3:20, the dentist never has after 4 hours like when he actually gets home from school. But before we left the secretary gave me a nasty attitude about not writing a note. I did write a note in the kid's daily planner which his fucking teacher made a huge deal about at the beginning of the year and now they don't even do anything with any more I guess.

We go to 4 stores the baby is crabby everyone is hungry and so I come home slap together pbj, and some leftover pizza because lord knows I'm not cooking at 6 fucking 30. I go through his folder and the asshole fucking teacher sends home a reprimand over the sign up sheets for conferences. No where on there did it say put your child's name, it was coming out of his fucking folder I didn't think that was necessary. No apology, nada acted like it was all the parents fault. I really dislike him a lot. Cocky 25 yr old recent college graduate that tries to run the classroom like the military.

I swear to god this wasn't supposed to be a huge rant, I'm just cold miserable and crabby. I was going to set up my Halloween cack but it's raining, I don't feel like looking for the pumpkin carving kit either.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thoughts for the day.

~Standing in line for 45 minutes for a hayride is ridiculous
~The little girl who pointed to my son and said 'that guy is really cute' was somewhat cute and somewhat disturbing.
~My child is always the one to have a breakdown while waiting in line.
~The guy that let my 5yo cousin and Xander pick some apples off the tree was nice, as was the woman who gave my kiddo a juice box in the midst of his breakdown. Sometimes there are still nice people although it may not seem that way.
~When all was said and done they not only sold out of water, but also the candy apples that I wanted so badly. Waaahhh.
~The creepy guy at the bar last night that wouldn't fucking leave us alone needs to have his balls put through a meat grinder. Seriously dude, you're a freak.

Things that are at the back of my mind..

~I'm tired of financial aid screwing around with me
~I STILL need a location for Trent's birthday party
~I need some jeans, and a dress to wear to the stupid wedding I have to go to.

All in all the weekend was okay.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Cocktober.

We've all been fighting our second cold since school started at the end of August, seriously blech. I can't tell if T actually had a cold or if it had to do with his two bottom teeth coming through. He looks so incredibly cute with those choppers! <3

This weekend I want to really do some fall-ish Halloween-y stuff. Apple farm + buying pumpkins I think. I need to get into the mood.

I wound up retaking my English placement test for school since I bombed really badly the first time. I actually focused on the test rather than trying to finish quickly (a very bad bad habit of mine that needs to be broken), and my score this time qualified me for honors. Read books kiddies, because if not for all the reading I've done over the last uh 20 years of my life I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done nearly that well, I've been out of school almost 10 years.

Finally reason # 20098 I need to go back to school, I spent two hours reading a thread at the diaper website where two women were fighting over which crunchy diaper detergent was best. Yes my brain deserves better.