I kept hearing all this crap about 'sunning out' diapers, I honestly thought it was a load of horseshit thought up by people who are against bleach and or other means of stain removal. I rarely get diaper stains but T's been teething, and he has a cold and or runny nose as a result of teething so we've had some ickiness. I was in a major hurry to get out and go somewhere so when I pulled the stained diaper out of the washer after cussing for a few minutes I opted to try tossing it on my outdoor table in the sun. Left to go shopping, came back and wouldn't you know that sucker was stain free, no joke. That doesn't mean I'll start putting 'damn the man' signs in front of my house, try to live off the grid or start wearing birkenstocks though, I promise.
It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Trenty, I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday the stick showed those two blue lines and now he's 4 months old. It's not fair that time goes by so fast.
I found new love for the ring sling I hated, head control is a wonderful thing. I can hip carry him with it and the plus side it goes on in record time. It's still not as comfy as the mei tei for longer outings though.
I got my loverly panda diaper in:

and the exersaucer:

You can see his chubby little ham arm reflected in the mirror there.
Well time to hit the showers before my boss wakes up from his nap.
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