Monday, March 17, 2008

It's monday.

I realized yesterday I have one giant child and one tiny one. I know you're thinking 'of course you do, you have a 6yo and a 2month old!' but no the 6 yo is tiny the 2 month old is a monster. I took some impromptu pics of the boys yesterday. Here Xander is struggling to hold up his brother's gigantic noggin:

You can see the look on his face, 'moom my aaarm'

Somewhere the gene pool went good because these are some cute guys:

I tried in vain to find the photo albums of my baby pictures since I've been told a few times that the baby looks like me. I thought I gave them to my dad, but he can't find them, I poked a few boxes in the basement and something made a noise (one of Xander's old toys? I hope...) and creeped me out so that search was over. They've got to be somewhere, I'll be sick if they're gone. There were pics of my mom in there.

This weekend I bought a lamp, bought hair dye to hide the pocket of gray on my head that I just can't take anymore, watched 12 episodes of the first season of Lost, and made a ham.

I swear I had more to say but I just can't think of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...



I adore them, J. :D