Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little dude is 10 months today.

That means we're only 2 months away from a year *cry*.

~He's got two teeth and is getting two more (top, he has bottom center)
~At his last dr.s appt he weighed 19lbs which is what Xander weighed at 15 months, but he's still in the 25th percentile, X was in the -5th.
~He's clapping his hands, waving his arms around.
~He's added mama, nana and HEY! (when you take something away) to his vocabulary which was dada and vava (the only word that has meaning he calls the cat that).
~He's cruising furniture like a mad man and starting to let go and stand on his own.
~We are still cloth diapering, we are still nursing.
~other than nursing he also eats everything in sight.
~he's becoming less fearful of strangers, but still didn't do great when my friend watched him Saturday so we could attend a hillbilly hodown wedding.

And that's about all. I'd really like him to stop growing now.

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