Monday, November 26, 2007

Whatta week.

Seriously. Tuesday I spent 6 hrs in the L&D for preterm contractions (not to be confused with preterm labor since my cervix is very closed). Now I went through the same thing with Xander the only difference was the contractions weren't really that strong and I was spotting. This time no spotting, contractions much much stronger and like 2 minutes apart, they even occasionally felt like back labor, ugh. I was given trib and procardia, and they were brought down to a reasonable level. Upon my research on the internets there's some controversy about preterm contractions without cervical changes, is it something is it nothing? Who knows, I just know since my hospital stay I've been telling my unborn he better stay put for 4 more weeks at least.

While I had a mostly great nurse she did irritate me by letting me know that I was awfully small for 32 weeks, and she bets the baby is small. I have no idea how one can tell that by looking at someone, and upon googling pictures of women 32 weeks pregnant I'm not that small, average more likely. Why people can't stop prying into my belly size is beyond me. I've gained a normal (if not slightly bigger) amount of weight, I've been eating, etc. I'm a 5'3" small framed woman, if I had gained 70 lbs then maybe I'd look like I had a huge belly. Seriously, when you're worried about dropping the baby out early the last thing you want to hear is how small he probably is.

In any event I am so not interested in Christmas. I mean I'm pretty sure I couldn't be any less interested at all. My eyes glaze over when my dad talks about getting a tree at the farm that I don't feel like hiking through, when family reminds me of their parties I feel like rolling my eyes. No matter how many times I tell people that I'm not even sure I won't be in labor they don't listen to me, they just give me the guilt look. So sorry for getting pregnant in April, I really did do it just to miss your party and piss you off. Yup.

After having my husband home for 5 days I'm missing his help already, I'm going to do very little today and rest in between, since he also has a class after work. Booooo.

Midwife tomorrow, and I have paperwork to fill out for the hospital. I'm not sure if the preterm contractions count as a complication, guess I should put it down anyway.

Can I just sleep for the next month, and wake up with a new baby???

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