said tooth went MIA when the necklace opened while he was playing a rousing game of Wii sports. Oh the tears! We solved the problem by writing a note to the tooth fairy explaining the situation, well he wrote the note:
"I lost my tooth, then it got lost.
To the Tooth Fairy"
Fortunately the tooth fairy is very forgiving and left cash regardless. Since more is left for the first tooth than the ones after it Xander told me 'she only gave me half because I didn't have the tooth!'
He also took this charming photo of me, I had just woken up after a Sudafed induced nap, and for some reason I'm glowing red. And of course no longer can there be a picture of just me, the dog must join in.

Now if only the antibiotics would kick in, I haven't had an ear infection since I was a kid and my god it's horrid, I have a new sense of sympathy for the boy when he gets them. I think today is a good 'sit on the couch and watch t.v. in my pjs day' blech.
On the upside, I'm very happy I didn't hesitate from ordering more covers from Wiggleworm Bottoms since overnight she closed for new orders! I can understand why she's busy though, good product and fantastic prices.
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