Tuesday, November 13, 2007

MW appointment today, up 3 lbs (ouch), baby's fine, blood pressure is fine, urine is fine, had to refill my antibiotic (booooo), still have some head infection crap going on. But baby is good!

I have officially decided on Happy Heiny's, they are an okay price, good reviews, and someone whom I love dearly said the aplix worked fine for her kiddo so there you have it.

Other than that today has been the pits, seriously. I babysit this child in the morning and afterschool occasionally. It hasn't really been going great the last few weeks, her and my son aren't getting along so well. While it is a big deal it's not that big of a deal. Then she started taking little things from my house, a much bigger deal but since I have had no proof really, I haven't said anything have just watched her better. Now today I had an incident with her father. He was not at work today and yet he still dropped her off at my house, um if you're home why am I watching your kid? Apparently he hurt his arm, well that's just tough, I've been sick for what three weeks now, and I'm hugely pregnant, I still deal with my kid and his too!

The icing on the cake was when he called me at 3pm 'I have to go to the Dr. for my arm can you watch *childsname* this afternoon' I could not, I had a midwife appointment, plus he was home all day, he couldn't have made that appt a little earlier? I call him back tell him no I cannot watch his daughter this afternoon, since I have to leave here 15 minutes after the bus arrives. He actually has the nerve to give me an attitude about it. 'Yeah ok I guess I'll be there'. Yeah guy I guess you will.

I go meet the bus, he is not there, I take the child home with me. Fifteen minutes later he calls me 'is *childsname* there?' of course she's here dummy 'oh thank god, you could have just let her walk home' let her walk home? Let a 6 yo walk home, cross a street and SIT HOME ALONE? Why so if something happens I can feel guilty about it? No thank you for anything, hangs up on me and gets her. Wow.

Right now I'm thinking they're lucky I'm giving them the two weeks notice I am giving them, I honestly feel like just not answering the door tomorrow morning.

GAH I hate people who take advantage.

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