Midwife yesterday, I am 2cm dilated, I did not dilate with Xander until the day I went into labor so this is all very new to me. Apparently you can stay that way for quite awhile so no biggie there, I only have ctx when I bend over too much so not much really going on otherwise.
In other news the kid is getting sick, the dog has diarrhea from the antibiotics he's on from his ballectomy, and I've got a massive headache that will not go away. I need to wrap gifts today, and probably do something else that I can't think of right now. I did however get all the baby's stuff washed and put away including the diaper covers. Bless the laundry tabs on the diaper covers, seriously they did not stick together in a giant diaper chain.
I really hope I have enough diaper covers, I have 6, 3 from wiggleworms, two from a friend on the internet (a prowrap and some other kind) one wool. 13 newborn prefolds (but I'm figuring in a pinch I can use an infant one I have 12 of those), 12 1 size happy heiny's (which probably won't fit at first). Still comtemplating some mommy's touch AIOs, probably only 3 though, maybe 3 of something else (Haute Pockets??).
Oh and to go majorly off subject here's out lovely tree: Really it is pretty nice for coming from the internet lol.
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