Yes I'm still here, yes I'm still pregnant, no I'm not overdue I'm only 36 weeks, no I would not like to go on Christmas but if I do, I did not induce labor just to piss you off, and yes I am uncomfortable the whole wiggling in my chair didn't tip you off? The baby pool set up by my fantabulous family is all over the place. The husband thinks it'll be the 21st at 2am, my dad thinks the 29th at 3am (notice a trend? These people want me to deliver a baby in the middle of the night! Assholes), I say the 23rd at 8pm. We'll see where I am when I see my midwife today, I'm so glad I have the upperhand, lol.
Xander gave me a heavy sigh and asked me when Trent was going to come out, I told him maybe before Christmas, maybe not, he then asked me if we were going to put him in a box like a present, lmao! I'm tempted to go to the store and get a large red bow to put on the kiddo's snowsuit when I bring him home.
I'm pretty sure I caused serious permanent injury to my husband's back with my fingernails while watching The Descent last night. OMFG scary as fuck, he even screamed when the first ugly bat cave creature attacked. Christ. I thought I was going to have a heart attack or go into labor. No more scary movies, especially a scary movie that someone says is the scariest of the decade, ugh.
Amazingly enough my dear child is growing out of things. He is a tiny little dude, not even 45lbs (well he might be now it's been awhile since he was weighed) so this is shocking. He had on a pair of jeans that were two inches too short, I told him to change and he said 'okay they're tight anyway' TIGHT? This is the kid that could fit into size 3T shorts last summer except the length, I checked the size 6, jeebus time to go shopping again I think. I guess it's time to weed out clothes, and toys too, ugh not what I planned to do today but if I've got to get in there anyway, why not.
And nothing's quite as funny as two first graders asking me why they can't feel their hands, uh stop picking up the snow, duh. And no I'm not being immune to their discomfort, we have the same conversation every stinking morning, you'd think they'd learn.