Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 2 of official break.

Today I'm thinking about how much Trent is already growing up. It seems like he was just a needy little newborn, and now he's a walking, talking (well a little at least communicating) toddler who can understand what I say to him. Really I am amazed at how quickly it's gone by. It didn't go this quickly with Xander, which I attribute in part to my age (at 19 do things really go by fast for anyone?) and the general shittiness of everything that went on in our lives during that time period. Nothing like having a utility shut off every month, dealing with a busted car (that you have no money to fix, and your mother getting sick then dying to maybe not focus so much on your baby growing up quickly. Obviously I feel we came out on top of those hurdles, thank god, it's just been so much easier.

But I digress (and also do not really want to make myself cry anymore, pms at it's finest!), that probably because more than likely, sadly Trent will be my last baby I'm trying to savor every moment as best as I can, which hasn't been very easy lately with my schedule. So in other words I'm glad I've had this week off to really focus on him with 100% attention. I wish I could have been more to my oldest instead of a stressed out depressed mom when he was very little.

Ugh heart poured out, time to watch more sad movies I suppose.

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