Monday, March 9, 2009

After the past 8 weeks of insane business..

Instead of break being relaxing, I'm rather bored. Seriously my house is spotless, I've practically snatched laundry off my family just to have something to throw into the washer and I've watched an entire season of Hell's Kitchen on DVD.

The weather did unfortunately not hold out and it was cold and dark ready to rain the entire day which killed any idea of playing outside, or going to the zoo like I wanted to. I'm also seriously considering a leash for my child so we can safely walk the dog without the dog getting caught up in the stroller wheels. Obviously my 1 year old is unwilling to hold hands, and forget baby wearing at this stage in his life, I'm ready to sell off my slings and stuff, he's simply not interested.

I did get my dyes from today, so that is something. Trent will be sporting lots of cute tie dye one piece outfits this summer, because underneath it all I'm kind of a hippy freak. I did a mass tie dye last March too, must just be the month.

I need to make myself a hair appointment, even though I'm bored I'm also incredibly lazy and I fucking hate calling to make appointments for myself.

Tomorrow I'm going to go clean my grandma's house and possibly buy that leash I just talked about. Okay it's not an actual leash it's a backpack character harness if that makes anyone feel better. So that should kill a few hours.

And I'd really like to know where my bike trailer is, I ordered it on the 2nd and I got nada except the initial e-mail from the company and the yahoo link to check your status (which mine has no status). You know when you get a bad feeling like maybe I shouldn't order from xyz, because maybe the price is too good to be true? Yeah listen to your gut, at least paying through paypal I have some recourse. Hopefully.

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