So I've watched this show on discovery health this season. Usually I'm very meh on birth related shows, but for some reason I am addicted to this one. Maybe because it irritates me a little?
Almost every episode they're inducing someone way early because they think the baby might be big, almost every birth is a c-section, and the latest episode when a new mom was in there saying that she's not getting much sleep because the baby wants to nurse all the time and the dr. suggested supplementing because 'he's a big baby and needs more milk' I wanted to smack her. Yes supplementing is a great way to make your supply go down.
I understand there are instances where really there are supply issues but I've never heard that getting up in the middle of the night with the baby who wants to eat (the 6 week old baby at that) is a cause for concern about supply. Ugh misinformation.
I still don't care about how anyone feeds their kid, I don't feel it's any of my business (and some of my best friends are formula feeders *snort* but really I formula fed my first), I just hate when medical professionals give out shoddy info, I think people have the right to be informed 100% and correctly at that before making decisions.
As a major downer apparently I contracted cellulitis somehow, my arm just looks lovely. I hope the antibiotics don't get us thrush, heading to the healthfood store tomorrow to look for probiotics.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I had to delete my prior entry since apparently I was violating copyright law even with linking back (although how that is possible I do not know). So if you're interested in bpa free things, go here, that is if you can get the site to load, maybe it was taken down because some other people dared to copy and paste the list! And here silly me I thought getting the information out was important.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thank god this week is half over.
Seriously what a shitter of a week, the school stuff, the lack of sleep stuff (which is odd since the baby is sleeping better, but his long stretch of sleep is unfortunately before I go to sleep 8-1, then he's up and he doesn't want to go back to sleep).
Trent is 15lbs, 25 inches and has an average head. I thought the weight would be higher but I think he just carries it all in his legs and chins.
I would love to know what I did to my poor shoulder/neck area, and why do the top of my thighs hurt?
I need to sell more diapers today.
That is all.
Trent is 15lbs, 25 inches and has an average head. I thought the weight would be higher but I think he just carries it all in his legs and chins.
I would love to know what I did to my poor shoulder/neck area, and why do the top of my thighs hurt?
I need to sell more diapers today.
That is all.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Dear twisted little shit in my kid's class..
Right now I am so angry that you told my kid that you were going to come over and squeeze his baby brother to death that I'd like to squeeze you until you cry for your mommy, then I'd like to punch her right in the fucking face because it's not normal for a 7 year old to say something like that unless he's got fucked up parenting of some sort going on.
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK????!!
I need to have a serious sit down talk with his teacher, if that child is anywhere near my child again I'm going to pull him out of that school. Last week it was the kid hitting my kid in the privates (again WHAT THE FUCK?).
I am pissed and I am done.
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK????!!
I need to have a serious sit down talk with his teacher, if that child is anywhere near my child again I'm going to pull him out of that school. Last week it was the kid hitting my kid in the privates (again WHAT THE FUCK?).
I am pissed and I am done.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Reason #13000498 being a grownup sucks..
I was stuck getting new garage doors this week, the old ones had rotted so badly (hey this house was built in 1954 they were originals), that the windows were ready to fall out. Not exactly the safest of situations. So instead of the dishwasher that I so badly want need, I got stuck with new garage doors one of which the seal is getting stuck in the tracks. Called the company that installed them, the douchebag that did the installation came out and looked at it (yes he was a douchebag, anyone who makes inappropriate jokes about the girl at the gas station's nipple piercings or shows me his tattoo on his nasty concave hairy chest is indeed a douchebag), and of course he didn't have the stuff to fix it, and acted like it was stupid that I even called up there. 2 days later still no fix. I'm about to hurt someone.
My mood is not helped by either the rain, or the fact that instead of going out to buy flowers and a nice card for my mom I'll be visiting her grave. Last year I was distracted by my positive pregnancy test, this year I get to feel that pain nice and sharp all over again.
My mood is not helped by either the rain, or the fact that instead of going out to buy flowers and a nice card for my mom I'll be visiting her grave. Last year I was distracted by my positive pregnancy test, this year I get to feel that pain nice and sharp all over again.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Maybe sometimes the hippies are right.
I kept hearing all this crap about 'sunning out' diapers, I honestly thought it was a load of horseshit thought up by people who are against bleach and or other means of stain removal. I rarely get diaper stains but T's been teething, and he has a cold and or runny nose as a result of teething so we've had some ickiness. I was in a major hurry to get out and go somewhere so when I pulled the stained diaper out of the washer after cussing for a few minutes I opted to try tossing it on my outdoor table in the sun. Left to go shopping, came back and wouldn't you know that sucker was stain free, no joke. That doesn't mean I'll start putting 'damn the man' signs in front of my house, try to live off the grid or start wearing birkenstocks though, I promise.
It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Trenty, I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday the stick showed those two blue lines and now he's 4 months old. It's not fair that time goes by so fast.
I found new love for the ring sling I hated, head control is a wonderful thing. I can hip carry him with it and the plus side it goes on in record time. It's still not as comfy as the mei tei for longer outings though.
I got my loverly panda diaper in:

and the exersaucer:

You can see his chubby little ham arm reflected in the mirror there.
Well time to hit the showers before my boss wakes up from his nap.
It's almost been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Trenty, I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday the stick showed those two blue lines and now he's 4 months old. It's not fair that time goes by so fast.
I found new love for the ring sling I hated, head control is a wonderful thing. I can hip carry him with it and the plus side it goes on in record time. It's still not as comfy as the mei tei for longer outings though.
I got my loverly panda diaper in:

and the exersaucer:

You can see his chubby little ham arm reflected in the mirror there.
Well time to hit the showers before my boss wakes up from his nap.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Very Sweet.
If there was ever any doubt in my mind about the age difference between Xander and Trent, well all you have to do is listen to Xander take on the big brother roll and play with him. Seriously they just adore each other, and I know had I had them closer together when Xander was a high needs hell on wheels toddler it would not be this nice.
They're out there playing with the exersaucer and I hear the baby giggling every now and then.<3
They're out there playing with the exersaucer and I hear the baby giggling every now and then.<3
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I should be asleep..
But I'm shopping for Trenty as usual *paranoia*.
I'm thinking he needs something from here. Either these or these (in different sizes of course, I'm not that crazy, and maybe this. And definitely this
And maybe I need to go to bed before I wear all the plastic off my debit card eh? Babies are dangerous!
I'm thinking he needs something from here. Either these or these (in different sizes of course, I'm not that crazy, and maybe this. And definitely this
And maybe I need to go to bed before I wear all the plastic off my debit card eh? Babies are dangerous!
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