I read a breastfeeding book when I was pregnant, and they had a whole section on the evils of artificial nipples. I gave the baby an artificial nipple, I am going to hell. After 2 hours straight (no I'm not kidding) on the boob, there was seriously nothing left so for 20 minutes he sucked a nuk. No I do not feel bad, I do feel bad that I bought the wrong kind initially (just like mom's breast my ASS). I would guess this means baby buddah is going to grow and get fatter <3. When we go to the Ped on the 4th I will be discussing the possibility of reflux, he's a puker, and sometimes he seems to just be in pain. Poor little dude. It doesn't seem to be affecting his weight gain or growth though or I'd be heading there immediately. I don't recall having this issue with X, but we had a whole other host of issues including the fun colic from hell.
My other kid (still weird to say other kid, I have 2 now jeebus), came home from school with this little packet about why we should thank the inventors of this or that. He wrote at the end that he would like to invent zip up shoes, so that he would never have to learn to tie his (yes I'm aware they do make shoes with zippers). That's my kid, too stubborn to learn to tie so he'd invent something new so he didn't have to, lol.
On the diaper front, I feel myself reaching more for the first diapers I bought, the prefolds, more than anything. I use them first then I exhaust my fuzzibunz supply. I do still like the FB but I find that we get more leaks with them. Cover over the prefold seems almost bulletproof. I like fitteds too but they're not as trim. I did just get 6 MEOS, I'm dying to dye them. I also discovered the Nikky diaper cover. Holy shit this thing is amazing, it's 100% cotton but has some sort of waterproof thing in it, light, trim, breathable and it doesn't leak. I need to get one in a bigger size.
Right now I'm needing/wanting 3 more OS AIOs, 1 dozen premium prefolds (am also considering another dozen infant prefolds but we'll see), 5-6 one size wonderwraps, another Nikky, and maybe some prowraps or something. That really ought to take me through potty training, I also want to get some pins, for when Trenty is moving around, I'm pretty sure the snappi will get yoinked right off. And babylegs. And I think I'm scary obsessed.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

that's right, and I'm even doing it right now. Maybe I pretend it's no biggie but I'm a little proud, I can't help it. My little buddah is getting so chubby, it's so freaking cute <3 if I can get him off for more than 5 minutes I'll post a pic.
Big bro is back at school after another mini vacay, getting up at 6:45 not fun neither coffee or tylenol is touching this headache blech.
I've been sitting here writing this for an hour, in between that time I've finished the dishes, fed the baby again and threw the diapers in the wash *yawn* still tired.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I am typing with a small wiggly baby on my lap.
Just like usual. He will be 3 weeks old tomorrow unbelievably, where have these weeks gone? Seems like I just had him yesterday.
Nursing is still going great, I even got out my pump today and got a few ounces out of the boob that Trent wasn't nursing from at the last feeding. So far he's only had formula once and that was an emergency situation (I spent 7 hrs in the ER, so sorry over the top lactivist people I did not bring him with me so he could pick up RSV or pneumonia from all the sick people there). I have a shitload of similac sitting here and I don't want to use it, it makes his poop stink (from butter to rotten eggs with the formula, ick), and then I'd have to mix stuff and it would be annoying. But yeah I'd like to leave the house once in awhile so if I get a freezer stash and have Jeff start giving him bottles at a month old we'll be gravy I hope.
It's funny I never considered myself even remotely crunchy/hippielike etc, yet I'm slinging, cloth diapering and nursing. I initially started cd-ing to save money, after reading the horrid things in disposable diapers and the male infertility link *shivers* now I feel like I'm actually doing something other than just saving money. Plus why should people trust something that can sit on your kid for 5 hrs and they don't even feel wet from it? But yeah I'm still going to eat meat, and drink starbucks so that's where the crunchy ends.
My quick cloth diaper review consists of, I like fuzzibunz, a swaddlebees with a whisperwrap is a FANTASTIC nighttime dipe, and stay away from covers that have cotton on them unless you like changing whole outfits everytime your wee one wees. He is not big enough for his one sizes yet, and I found that I need more a stash of 20 should do pretty darn well. Plus I need covers, bummis and prowraps ONLY fuck the fancy ones, they just don't work cheap = good. I just bought some used WAHM AIOs we'll see how those are. In any event they were cheap.
And of course I'm still in love with his curly fuzzy little head. Seriously I could just stare at him for hours, and in fact I do at night which is why I get even less sleep than I should.
Nursing is still going great, I even got out my pump today and got a few ounces out of the boob that Trent wasn't nursing from at the last feeding. So far he's only had formula once and that was an emergency situation (I spent 7 hrs in the ER, so sorry over the top lactivist people I did not bring him with me so he could pick up RSV or pneumonia from all the sick people there). I have a shitload of similac sitting here and I don't want to use it, it makes his poop stink (from butter to rotten eggs with the formula, ick), and then I'd have to mix stuff and it would be annoying. But yeah I'd like to leave the house once in awhile so if I get a freezer stash and have Jeff start giving him bottles at a month old we'll be gravy I hope.
It's funny I never considered myself even remotely crunchy/hippielike etc, yet I'm slinging, cloth diapering and nursing. I initially started cd-ing to save money, after reading the horrid things in disposable diapers and the male infertility link *shivers* now I feel like I'm actually doing something other than just saving money. Plus why should people trust something that can sit on your kid for 5 hrs and they don't even feel wet from it? But yeah I'm still going to eat meat, and drink starbucks so that's where the crunchy ends.
My quick cloth diaper review consists of, I like fuzzibunz, a swaddlebees with a whisperwrap is a FANTASTIC nighttime dipe, and stay away from covers that have cotton on them unless you like changing whole outfits everytime your wee one wees. He is not big enough for his one sizes yet, and I found that I need more a stash of 20 should do pretty darn well. Plus I need covers, bummis and prowraps ONLY fuck the fancy ones, they just don't work cheap = good. I just bought some used WAHM AIOs we'll see how those are. In any event they were cheap.
And of course I'm still in love with his curly fuzzy little head. Seriously I could just stare at him for hours, and in fact I do at night which is why I get even less sleep than I should.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Well hello.
I found the draft I started writing on December 27th about how crappy I felt, well why I felt crappy was that on December 28th I went into labor! Trenton Henry arrived at 12:49 pm December 28th after 4 hours of labor 6lbs 6oz 19 inches long. This time I had two contractions before my water broke, I had zero with Xander. Absolutely freaky fast labor, I swear I'm not having anymore, I'm afraid the next will be born in the car.
So the last two weeks have been nuts I'm sure you can imagine. Nursing is going fantastic, at 12 days old he weighed 6lbs 14oz. Little piggy. He looks huge compared to how Xander looked as a newborn. I know it's odd that a 6lb child can look huge but considering X was 5, he looked so chubby when he was born.
This is not very coherent, probably because I'm so sleep deprived and the child is sucking my brain out my boobs as we speak. I will leave with pictures and try to get my thoughts in order for a better post next time, along with a cloth diaper review. Yup I'm cding already, and you know, I like it.

So the last two weeks have been nuts I'm sure you can imagine. Nursing is going fantastic, at 12 days old he weighed 6lbs 14oz. Little piggy. He looks huge compared to how Xander looked as a newborn. I know it's odd that a 6lb child can look huge but considering X was 5, he looked so chubby when he was born.
This is not very coherent, probably because I'm so sleep deprived and the child is sucking my brain out my boobs as we speak. I will leave with pictures and try to get my thoughts in order for a better post next time, along with a cloth diaper review. Yup I'm cding already, and you know, I like it.
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