I made a cake the other day, and this is such a typical conversation between me and my husband:
him: what's that in the pan in the fridge
me: it's a cake
him: who did you make a cake for? Is it someone's birthday that I don't know about?
me: I just wanted a cake
him: you made a cake for yourself?
me: Yes it's my cake no one else can have any.
Am I the only person who's mom used to make cakes just because? I mean hey it's Wednesday why not have a cake? Sometimes it's nice to just do something just because. I'm probably lucky I don't weigh 400lbs because a lot of my something's involve food, like the huge cinnamon buns I made all winter, or the double rich chocolate ice cream I made in my ice cream maker. Yes I have an ice cream maker. And no I didn't make ice cream for anyone's birthday.
Speaking of birthday's big boy's 7th is coming up. That's right 7th, when did my first baby get to be 7?? Did I mention he's camping? He's three hours away from me. While he's spent plenty of overnights somewhere this is the furthest he's ever been, and he's not coming back until Sunday. We're holding this year's party at Puke E Cheese. I'm not thrilled but that's what he wants.
And of course we have pictures:

brotherly love

Trenty vs. the avocado, I think the avocado won.