Wednesday, September 26, 2007

24 week appt. Measuring 25 weeks, I never measured ahead with X, always behind, am I going to have a monster child? I can tell this child is larger than Xander was, I do not remember being able to feel such solid baby in there this early

1 hr GT, ick nasty nasty crap, I really hope everything comes out ok and I don't have to do a three hour.

It's obvious joking with the weight lady is a bad idea, before I got on the scale I was crossing my fingers going 'come on 1000 lbs!' after she weighed me she asked me if I was eating. Um lady I gained three lbs this month, I weigh 142 from 115-118, I'd say yes I'm eating.

MW was impressed by my lack of stretch marks, she did not check under my boobs obviously.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I extended work to the 29th regretting it already, I'd love to be done this Saturday.

I'm getting big, I haven't even touched a scale because I don't want to know. I dropped a bit of mucous plug at work, I was feeling really shitty that day too, everything's been fine since and I know that sucker regenerates so I'm not worried. I've just been trying to get as much rest/sleep during the day before work as possible since it's so physically demanding.

This is the bedding I bought for Trent.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's a boy!

MW appt yesterday, and all is good. Triple screen was fine (although I guessed that with the lack of phone call), and my U/S was perfect, no weird markers like on Xander's, 3 vessel umbilical cord etc. That's a huge relief off my mind.

25th I go for my 1 hr glucose, then one more appt until I'm going every two weeks, I cannot believe how fast all of this is going!

Trent is kicking my butt on a daily basis, he's a hyper mover just like X. He's measuring at 20 weeks (by dates I'm 21, so close enough). I'm guessing 7lbs something since there's no cord problems, he's going to look huge compared to how X looked.

My last day of work is the 22nd, that will put me at 24 weeks, hopefully I can get my painting and other crap done then in prep for baby boy.