Monday, February 4, 2008


Well apparently I'm making heavy cream instead of milk, fatty bo batty is up to 10 lbs *faint*, that's right 10. 97th percentile, almost 4lbs heavier than birth weight at 5 weeks old. I know Xander doubled birth weight by 3 months, but christ he was never in a higher percentile than 50 I think.

I made him a really adorable wool wrap diaper cover I'll need to take a picture of it, it's so so cute. He'll be growing out of it in like 10 minutes though, I need to get it lanolized so he can wear it before he gets too pudgy.

The dr told me to call back in a few days if I felt he was uncomfy with the spitting up, so we can start him on zantac. I really don't think he needs it though, it seems to wax and wane some days are okay, some are a little worse. I just hate the thought of giving him unnecessary meds. He also has an umbilical hernia, not uncommon I guess.

I also apparently fucked my fleece diapers, I've tried stripping them in oxyclean, and then washing them in Dawn and they still smell ammonia-y out of the dryer *cry* last option is to scrub them inside and out with Dawn then wash them again *twitch* psa don't use Tide, especially if you have hard water I guess because it makes them build up. On the upside the oxyclean removed every stain they had, my inserts too are gorgeous again. I'm afraid to even crack open the one sizes in fear of fucking them right away. Ugh.

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